Mobile Scrolllist Mobilescrolllist


The MobileScrollList is a custom list component designed for mobile applications, extending MovieClip. It provides a scrollable list functionality, with support for touch input and rendering list items dynamically.

This component is built for use within a wider framework for building user interfaces in Adobe Flash ActionScript 3.0.

Class Definition

package Mobile.ScrollList {
    import Shared.AS3.BSScrollingList;
    import Shared.BGSExternalInterface;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;

    public class MobileScrollList extends MovieClip {


Property Type Description
ITEM_SELECT String Event string for item selection.
ITEM_RELEASE String Event string for item release.
ITEM_RELEASE_OUTSIDE String Event string for release outside of an item.
HORIZONTAL uint Constant indicating horizontal scroll direction.
VERTICAL uint Constant indicating vertical scroll direction.
_availableRenderers Vector.<MobileListItemRenderer> A vector of available item renderers.
_data Vector.<Object> A vector containing data objects for the list.
_rendererRect Rectangle A rectangle defining the size of the renderer.
_bounds Rectangle A rectangle defining the scrollable bounds of the list.
_scrollDim Number The dimension of the scrollable area.
_deltaBetweenButtons Number The space between the list items.
_renderers Vector.<MobileListItemRenderer> A vector of item renderers currently in use.
_tempSelectedIndex int Temporary selected index during interactions.
_selectedIndex int The currently selected index.
_position Number The current scroll position.
_direction uint The direction of the scroll (horizontal or vertical).
_itemRendererLinkageId String The linkage ID for the item renderer MovieClip.
_background Sprite A sprite for the background of the list.
_scrollList Sprite The sprite container for the list items.
_scrollMask Sprite A sprite used as a mask to clip the visible area of the list.
_touchZone Sprite A sprite defining the touchable area for scrolling.
_prevIndicator MovieClip A movie clip acting as the previous page/scroll indicator.
_nextIndicator MovieClip A movie clip acting as the next page/scroll indicator.
_mouseDown Boolean Flag indicating if the mouse is currently down.
_velocity Number The current velocity of the scrolling list.
_mouseDownPos Number The position of the mouse when pressed down.
_mousePressPos Number The position of the mouse when an item is pressed.
_hasBackground Boolean Flag indicating whether the list has a background.
_backgroundColor int The color of the background.
_noScrollShortList Boolean Flag indicating if short lists should not be scrollable.
_clickable Boolean Flag indicating if list items are clickable.
_endListAlign Boolean Flag indicating if the list should align at the end.
_textOption String Text option for rendering the list items.
_elasticity Boolean Flag indicating if the list has elasticity/bounce effect.


Constant Value Description
EPSILON 0.01 A small number used to determine if the list should stop moving.
VELOCITY_MOVE_FACTOR 0.4 Factor used to calculate the velocity during a move.
VELOCITY_MOUSE_DOWN_FACTOR 0.5 Factor used when the mouse is down.
VELOCITY_MOUSE_UP_FACTOR 0.8 Factor used when the mouse is up.
RESISTANCE_OUT_BOUNDS 0.15 Resistance factor when scrolling out of bounds.
BOUNCE_FACTOR 0.6 Bounce factor used for the elasticity of the list.
DELTA_MOUSE_POS 15 The delta position of the mouse to determine a drag.


Public Methods

  • MobileScrollList(scrollDimension: Number, deltaBetweenButtons: Number = 0, direction: uint = 1)
    • Constructor to initialize the scroll list.
  • setData(data: Vector.<Object>): void
    • Sets the data for the list and initializes it.
  • setScrollIndicators(prevIndicator: MovieClip, nextIndicator: MovieClip): void
    • Sets the indicators for scrolling.
  • invalidateData(): void
    • Clears the data and resets the list to an empty state.
  • destroy(): void
    • Cleans up the list and prepares it for garbage collection.

Protected Methods

  • setPosition(): void
    • Updates the position of the scroll list.
  • addRenderer(position: int, data: Object): MobileListItemRenderer
    • Adds a renderer to a specific position in the list.
  • removeRenderer(position: int): void
    • Removes a renderer from a specific position in the list.
  • createMask(): void
    • Creates a mask to clip the scrolling list’s visible area.
  • createBackground(): void
    • Creates the background of the list based on the provided color.

Event Handlers

  • enterFrameHandler(e: Event): void
    • Handles the physics of the list’s motion on every frame.
  • mouseDownHandler(e: MouseEvent): void
    • Handles the user’s initial touch on the list.
  • mouseMoveHandler(e: MouseEvent): void
    • Handles the user’s dragging motion on the list.
  • mouseUpHandler(e: MouseEvent): void
    • Handles the end of the user’s touch interaction with the list.

Usage Example

// Creating an instance of MobileScrollList
var scrollList: MobileScrollList = new MobileScrollList(300, 5, MobileScrollList.VERTICAL);

// Setting up data for the list
var listData: Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>();
for (var i: int = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    listData.push({label: "Item " + i});

// Assigning data to the list

// Adding the list to the display


  • This component relies on external interfaces (Shared.BGSExternalInterface) and other shared resources (Shared.AS3.BSScrollingList), which suggests it is part of a larger framework or application.
  • The list supports both vertical and horizontal scrolling, indicated by the direction constants.
  • The list has features for handling click and drag events, making it suitable for touch interactions.
  • The list implements an elasticity feature to provide a natural feel to the scroll behavior on mobile devices.