Scaleform Clik Events Componentevent


The ComponentEvent class is part of the package and is an extension of the Event class from the ActionScript 3 (AS3) Flash API. It is designed to handle state changes and visibility changes of components within the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) framework.

Below is a detailed breakdown of the ComponentEvent class.

Class Definition

package {

    public class ComponentEvent extends Event {
        // Class contents


The ComponentEvent class defines the following constants used to represent the types of events it can dispatch:

Constant Value Description
STATE_CHANGE “stateChange” Dispatched when a component changes state.
SHOW “show” Dispatched when a component becomes visible.
HIDE “hide” Dispatched when a component becomes invisible.

These constants are used to identify the specific type of ComponentEvent being dispatched.


The constructor for ComponentEvent is used to create an instance of the class with the specified parameters.

public function ComponentEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean = false, param3:Boolean = true) {
    super(param1, param2, param3);


Parameter Type Default Description
param1 String N/A The type of event, which corresponds to one of the defined constants (STATE_CHANGE, SHOW, HIDE).
param2 Boolean false Indicates whether the event can bubble up the display list hierarchy.
param3 Boolean true Indicates whether the event can be canceled, preventing the default behavior associated with the event.

Example Usage:

var event:ComponentEvent = new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.STATE_CHANGE);

This example creates a new ComponentEvent with the STATE_CHANGE event type and dispatches it.

📝 Note: This documentation assumes familiarity with the Flash/ActionScript 3.0 event system and the Scaleform CLIK framework.