Shared Modmenuconfirmlistentry


This document provides information about the ModMenuConfirmListEntry ActionScript class located in the Shared package. The class is used within the context of a Flash application to represent a confirmation list entry within a mod menu interface.


File Details

  • Filename:
  • Package: Shared

Class Overview

ModMenuConfirmListEntry is a dynamic class that extends the MovieClip class from the flash.display library. It is designed to represent an individual entry in a confirmation list within a mod menu.

Class Properties

Property Name Type Description
border MovieClip Represents the border of the list entry
textField TextField The text field within the list entry


The constructor for ModMenuConfirmListEntry initializes the class instance.

public function ModMenuConfirmListEntry() {

Code Sample

Below is the ActionScript code for the ModMenuConfirmListEntry class:

package Shared {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public dynamic class ModMenuConfirmListEntry extends MovieClip {
        public var border:MovieClip;
        public var textField:TextField;

        public function ModMenuConfirmListEntry() {

This class contains two main properties: border and textField. The border property is a MovieClip that visually represents the border of the list entry. The textField property is a TextField that holds the text within the list entry. The ModMenuConfirmListEntry class can be extended or instantiated to create a visual list entry for mod menu confirmations.