Shared As3 Bsbuttonhint_iconholder


The ActionScript file contains a dynamic class extending the MovieClip class from the Flash library. It is designed to manage an icon within a button hint component, providing functionality to control animation frames.

Note: This class is UNUSED as the functionality has been re-implemented using frame scripts according to the developers’ note (Scrivener07).

Class Definition


Attribute Type Description
IconAnimInstance MovieClip A MovieClip instance variable to hold the icon animation.

This dynamic class is responsible for controlling the icon animation within button hints.


public function BSButtonHint_IconHolder() {
    addFrameScript(0, this.frame1, 59, this.frame60);
    trace("[BSButtonHint_IconHolder] CTOR");

The constructor initializes the class instance, adding frame scripts to control the playback at certain frames and outputs a trace message indicating the creation of the object.

Frame Scripts


This function is triggered when the playhead reaches frame 1 of the timeline.

function frame1():* {
    trace("[BSButtonHint_IconHolder] Stop");

Purpose: It stops the timeline and traces a message indicating that playback has been stopped.


This function is executed when the playhead reaches frame 60.

function frame60():* {
    trace("[BSButtonHint_IconHolder] Flashing");

Purpose: It directs the timeline to play from a labeled frame “Flashing” and logs a message to indicate the icon should be flashing.


Since this class is marked as UNUSED and is likely replaced by frame scripts, utilization in a project is not recommended without consulting the updated implementation.

📝 Developer Note:

  • The class may still exist in the codebase but should not be used in favor of the new frame script implementation. It is essential to review the most recent version of the project to understand the current method for handling button hint icons.