Scaleform Clik Managers Focushandler


The file is part of the scaleform.clik.managers package and is responsible for managing focus within the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) UI components. It handles the focus transitions between UI components, specifically when working with different input devices like game controllers or the keyboard.

Below is detailed documentation for the FocusHandler class.

Class Overview


  • Manages focus for UI components.
  • Handles input events for focus control.
  • Interacts with the FocusManager for Scaleform-specific functionality.


Property Type Description
instance FocusHandler The singleton instance of the FocusHandler.
initialized Boolean Indicates whether the FocusHandler has been initialized.
_stage Stage The reference to the Stage where the UI components exist.
currentFocusLookup Dictionary A lookup table to keep track of the current focus per controller index.
actualFocusLookup Dictionary A lookup table to keep track of the actual focus per controller index.
preventStageFocusChanges Boolean A flag to prevent focus changes on the stage, used during certain events.
mouseDown Boolean Indicates whether the mouse button is currently pressed down.


Public Methods


Constructor for the FocusHandler class. Initializes lookup dictionaries.

getInstance(): FocusHandler

Retrieve the singleton instance of the FocusHandler.

init(stage:Stage, root:UIComponent): void

Initializes the FocusHandler with a reference to the Stage and root UIComponent.

set stage(stage:Stage): void

Sets the stage for the FocusHandler and adds necessary event listeners for focus management.

getFocus(controllerIndex:uint): InteractiveObject

Retrieves the current focused object for the specified controller index.

setFocus(newFocus:InteractiveObject, controllerIndex:uint = 0, mouseChange:Boolean = false): void

Sets the focus to the specified InteractiveObject for a given controller index and optionally indicates if the change was triggered by a mouse event.

Protected Methods

getCurrentFocusDisplayObject(controllerIndex:uint): InteractiveObject

Retrieves the current focus display object for the given controller index.

setCurrentFocusDisplayObject(controllerIndex:uint, newFocus:InteractiveObject): void

Sets the current focus display object for the specified controller index.

getActualFocusDisplayObject(controllerIndex:uint): InteractiveObject

Retrieves the actual focus display object for the given controller index.

setSystemFocus(newFocus:InteractiveObject, controllerIndex:uint = 0): void

Sets the system focus to the specified InteractiveObject for a given controller index.

getSystemFocus(controllerIndex:uint = 0): InteractiveObject

Gets the system focus for a given controller index.

clearFocusPrevention(event:Event): void

Clears the flag that prevents focus changes on the stage.

input(details:InputDetails): void

Processes an input event and dispatches it further if needed.

trackMouseDown(event:MouseEvent): void

Tracks the mouse button state (down or up).

handleInput(event:InputEvent): void

Handles input events and determines if focus needs to be changed based on user navigation.

handleMouseFocusChange(event:FocusEvent): void

Handles focus change events triggered by mouse interactions.

handleFocusChange(focusedObject:InteractiveObject, relatedObject:InteractiveObject, event:FocusEvent): void

Handles focus change events and updates the actual focus accordingly.

updateActualFocus(event:FocusEvent): void

Updates the actual focus based on focus in/out events.

handleTextFieldInput(navigationCode:String, controllerIndex:uint): Boolean

Handles special input cases for TextField objects and returns a boolean indicating whether the input was handled or not.

Usage Example

To initialize the FocusHandler within your UIComponent:

var stageRef:Stage = this.stage;
var rootComponent:UIComponent = this; // Your main UIComponent

FocusHandler.init(stageRef, rootComponent);

To set the focus to a specific UI component:

var myButton:InteractiveObject = myButtonInstance; // Your button instance


  • The FocusHandler is typically used within the context of a larger user interface built with Scaleform CLIK components.
  • The FocusHandler utilizes event listeners extensively to track focus changes and input events, ensuring seamless focus management across various UI components.
  • This class has a strong dependency on other Scaleform components such as FocusManager, InputDelegate, and UIComponent.
  • The FocusHandler keeps track of focus using two types of lookup tables: one for the current focus and another for the actual focus, implementing a weak reference pattern to avoid memory leaks.
  • The actual focus may differ from the current focus to handle cases where the Stage focus is different from the component focus, especially with TextField components.


Through careful management of focus and input events, the FocusHandler class provides robust support for user interaction within the Scaleform CLIK framework, accommodating both traditional inputs like keyboard and mouse, as well as game controller inputs.