Shared Customevent


The CustomEvent class is a custom event type that extends the Flash Event class, allowing users to pass a parameters object along with the event.

Table of Contents

Class Definition

package Shared {

    public class CustomEvent extends Event {

        public var params:Object;

        public function CustomEvent(astrType:String, aParams:Object, abBubbles:Boolean = false, abCancelable:Boolean = false) {
            this.params = aParams;

        override public function clone() : Event {
            return new CustomEvent(type, this.params, bubbles, cancelable);


Parameter Type Default Description
astrType String N/A The type of the event.
aParams Object N/A The parameters to pass along with the event.
abBubbles Boolean false Whether the event should bubble up through the event chain.
abCancelable Boolean false Whether the event can be canceled.

The constructor initializes the CustomEvent with the specified astrType, aParams, along with optional abBubbles and abCancelable properties.


  • clone() Returns a copy of the CustomEvent instance, including its type, params, bubbles, and cancelable properties.

Example Usage

The following example demonstrates how to create and dispatch a CustomEvent:

import Shared.CustomEvent;

var dispatcher:EventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
var params:Object = {message: "Hello, World!"};

var customEvent:CustomEvent = new CustomEvent("myCustomEvent", params);

dispatcher.addEventListener("myCustomEvent", function(event:CustomEvent):void {
    trace(event.params.message); // Output: Hello, World!


In this example, we’re creating a new instance of CustomEvent with the event type "myCustomEvent" and a params object containing a message. We then add an event listener to an EventDispatcher instance, and when the event is dispatched, the listener will trace the message passed in the params.