Components Textentry

TextEntry is part of the Components package and provides a text entry component for use with Flash-based applications. It extends the functionality of MovieClip and allows the user to input and retrieve text.

Class Definition

package Components {
    import Shared.GlobalFunc;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public class TextEntry extends MovieClip {
        // ... [Class Members]

Class Members

Public Variables

Variable Name Type Description
TextEntryAnim_mc MovieClip MovieClip that contains the animation for text entry.
TextEntryBackground_mc MovieClip MovieClip that represents the background for text entry.

Private Variables

Variable Name Type Description
bUseBackground Boolean Indicates whether to use the background MovieClip.

Public Functions


public function TextEntry() {

Initializes the text entry component and adds frame scripts.

useBackground (Setter)

public function set useBackground(param1:Boolean) : * {
    // Implementation

Sets whether the background should be visible.


public function GetEnteringText() : Boolean {
    // Implementation

Returns true if the text entry field is currently focused.


public function GetText() : String {
    // Implementation

Retrieves the text from the text entry field.


public function FadeIn() : * {
    // Implementation

Executes the fade-in animation and sets the focus on the text entry field.


public function FadeOut() : * {
    // Implementation

Executes the fade-out animation.


public function SetTitleText(param1:String) : * {
    // Implementation

Sets the title text for the text entry field.

Private Functions


function frame1() : * {
    // Implementation

Stops the animation in the first frame.


function frame13() : * {
    // Implementation

Stops the animation in the 13th frame.


function frame25() : * {
    // Implementation

Stops the animation in the 25th frame.

Usage Example

To use the TextEntry component, create an instance of the class and add it to the stage. You can configure the background visibility and set the title text.

Here’s how to create an instance and configure it:

var textEntryComponent:TextEntry = new TextEntry();
textEntryComponent.useBackground = true; // Show background
textEntryComponent.SetTitleText("Enter your name:");
addChild(textEntryComponent); // Add to stage

Invoke FadeIn to show the text entry with animation:


To retrieve the entered text:

var userInput:String = textEntryComponent.GetText();

📄 Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the Shared.GlobalFunc class and related TextField instances are properly set up in the project.
  • Animation labels such as "FadeIn" and "FadeOut" must exist within the MovieClip timeline for the corresponding functions to work.
  • The maximum number of characters allowed in the text field is set to 26 in the FadeIn function.
  • The SetTitleText function assumes that a TitleText_tf TextField exists within the TextEntryAnim_mc MovieClip.