Components Swfloaderclip


This documentation provides an overview of the SWFLoaderClip class, its methods, properties, and usage within a Flash application. The class is part of the Components package and is designed to load and handle SWF files.

The SWFLoaderClip class extends MovieClip and allows for the loading and unloading of SWF files as display objects. It provides functionality to set the alpha (transparency) and scale of the loaded SWF as well as an alternative menu loading mechanism in case of an IO error.


Property Type Description
SWF DisplayObject The currently loaded SWF display object.
menuLoader Loader The loader responsible for loading SWF files.
ClipAlpha Number The alpha (transparency) of the loaded SWF clip.
ClipScale Number The scale of the loaded SWF clip.
AltMenuName String An alternative SWF file to load upon an IO error.



Constructor method for the SWFLoaderClip class. It initializes the properties and sets up the loader.

public function SWFLoaderClip()

set clipAlpha(param1:Number)

Setter method for ClipAlpha. It sets the alpha (transparency) of the loaded SWF clip.

public function set clipAlpha(param1:Number) : *

set clipScale(param1:Number)

Setter method for ClipScale. It sets the scale of the loaded SWF clip.

public function set clipScale(param1:Number) : *


Loads an SWF file based on the provided URL string.

public function SWFLoad(param1:String) : void

SWFLoadAlt(param1:String, param2:String)

Attempts to load an SWF file and sets an alternative file to load in case of an IO error.

public function SWFLoadAlt(param1:String, param2:String) : *


Callback method invoked upon successful loading of an SWF file. It sets the scale and alpha of the loaded SWF clip and adds it as a child.

public function onMenuLoadComplete(param1:Event) : void


Unloads the currently loaded SWF display object from the display list and unloads the content from memory.

public function SWFUnload(param1:DisplayObject) : void


Private method invoked upon an IO error. It attempts to load an alternative SWF file if available or traces an error message.

private function _ioErrorEventHandler(param1:IOErrorEvent) : *


  • Event.COMPLETE: Dispatched when the SWF file has been loaded successfully.
  • IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR: Dispatched when there is an IO error during the loading of the SWF file.

Example Usage

var swfClip:SWFLoaderClip = new SWFLoaderClip();

💡 Note: This class requires the Flash Player API and is intended for use in ActionScript 3.0. It is essential to handle potential IO errors gracefully, as shown in the _ioErrorEventHandler method.

Filename: Package: Components

Bold: Important terms and method names are highlighted in bold for quick reference.

Emojis: Emojis like 💡 are used to draw attention to specific notes and tips.