Components Itemcard_componententry_entry


The ItemCard_ComponentEntry_Entry class is an ActionScript file designated to handle the visual representation of a list entry within a scrollable list component. It extends the functionality of BSScrollingListEntry to accommodate the specific needs of Item Cards in a user interface.

Below is the detailed markdown documentation for this class.

Class Overview

package Components {
    import Shared.AS3.BSScrollingListEntry;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public class ItemCard_ComponentEntry_Entry extends BSScrollingListEntry {
        public var FavIcon_mc:MovieClip;

        public function ItemCard_ComponentEntry_Entry() {

        override public function SetEntryText(aEntryObject:Object, astrTextOption:String) : * {

            if(aEntryObject.count != 1 && aEntryObject.count != undefined) {
                textField.appendText(" (" + aEntryObject.count + ")");

            var rightTextX:Number = textField.x + textField.width / 2 + textField.textWidth / 2 + 15;

            if(this.FavIcon_mc != null) {
                this.FavIcon_mc.x = rightTextX;
                this.FavIcon_mc.visible = aEntryObject.favorite > 0 || aEntryObject.taggedForSearch;

File Details

  • Filename:
  • Package: Components

Class Description

  • Class Name: ItemCard_ComponentEntry_Entry
  • Extended Class: BSScrollingListEntry


Property Name Type Description
FavIcon_mc MovieClip Holds the favorite icon movie clip.


Constructor Name: ItemCard_ComponentEntry_Entry

Description: Initializes the entry with default properties by calling the super class (BSScrollingListEntry) constructor.



Description: Overrides the SetEntryText method from BSScrollingListEntry to customize the text displayed for an item entry.


Parameter Name Type Description
aEntryObject Object The object containing entry data.
astrTextOption String String option for text customization.

Return Type: * (Any type, based on the super method’s return type)

Logic Description:

  1. Calls the super method SetEntryText with the provided parameters.
  2. If the entry object’s count is not equal to 1 and is defined, appends the count in parentheses to the textField’s text.
  3. Calculates the horizontal position rightTextX for the favorite icon based on the textField properties.
  4. If the FavIcon_mc is not null, it positions the icon at rightTextX and adjusts its visibility based on whether the entry object is marked as a favorite or tagged for search.

Usage Instructions

🔸 To use the ItemCard_ComponentEntry_Entry class, create an instance of it, and call the SetEntryText method with the appropriate data object and text option.

🔸 Ensure that graphical assets like the FavIcon_mc are properly linked for visibility manipulations to work as expected.


  • It is implied that textField, a property inherited from BSScrollingListEntry, is a text field used to display the entry’s text.
  • The favorite icon’s visibility toggling supports indicating an entry as a favorite or as being tagged for search functionality within a list.

📌 This is auto-generated documentation for the ItemCard_ComponentEntry_Entry class. Ensure you review the code and understand its functionality before integration.