Components Itemcard_timedentry


The file contains an ActionScript class that extends the functionality of an ItemCard_Entry by adding a timer icon to the visual representation of an item card. This class is part of the Components package.

The ItemCard_TimedEntry class is a display component that specifically deals with items that have a timed aspect to them. It inherits from ItemCard_Entry and adds a timer icon to indicate the timed nature of the item.

Class Details

  • File Name:
  • Package: Components
  • Inheritance: Extends ItemCard_Entry


Property Type Access Description
TimerIcon_mc MovieClip public The movie clip for the timer icon.
TIMER_ORIG_X Number private The original x position of the timer icon.


The constructor of ItemCard_TimedEntry initializes the class by calling the constructor of its superclass and setting the original x position of the timer icon based on its initial position.

Code Block

public function ItemCard_TimedEntry() {
    this.TIMER_ORIG_X = this.TimerIcon_mc.x;



This overridden method populates the item entry with data. It positions the timer icon relative to the value text field, ensuring that the icon does not overlap with the text.


  • aInfoObj:Object - An object containing the information necessary to populate the entry.


  • The method returns the value from the superclass’s PopulateEntry method.

Code Block

override public function PopulateEntry(aInfoObj:Object) : * {

    var newX:Number = Value_tf.x + Value_tf.getLineMetrics(0).x - this.TimerIcon_mc.width / 2 - 10;
    if(newX < this.TIMER_ORIG_X) {
        this.TimerIcon_mc.x = newX;

Class Diagram

└───ItemCard_Entry (Superclass)
        ├───TimerIcon_mc (MovieClip)
        └───TIMER_ORIG_X (Number, original x position of TimerIcon_mc)


  • The Value_tf property is assumed to be inherited from the superclass and thus not explicitly declared in this class.
  • The PopulateEntry method assumes the existence of a text field (Value_tf) which is used to display value-related information on the item card.

This documentation provides a clear understanding of the ItemCard_TimedEntry class and its purpose within the Components package. 📘