Components Itemcard_entry


This documentation explains the ItemCard_Entry class found in the file, which resides within the Components package. This class extends the MovieClip class and is responsible for managing individual entries in an item card, including their label, value, and comparison indicators.

Class Hierarchy

└── Components.ItemCard_Entry

Import Statements

import Shared.GlobalFunc;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
import scaleform.gfx.Extensions;
import scaleform.gfx.TextFieldEx;

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Label_tf TextField TextField to display the label of an item entry.
Value_tf TextField TextField to display the value of an item entry.
Comparison_mc MovieClip MovieClip to display the comparison indicator (e.g., better, worse, best).



Initializes the ItemCard_Entry object and sets text auto-sizing for the label and value text fields if they are not null.

public function ItemCard_Entry() {
    Extensions.enabled = true;

    if(this.Label_tf != null) {

    if(this.Value_tf != null) {

Public Static Methods

ShouldShowDifference(aInfoObj:Object) : Boolean

Determines if the difference value provided in the aInfoObj is significant based on the specified precision and returns a boolean value indicating whether the comparison indicator should be shown.

  • Parameters: aInfoObj - An object containing the difference value and precision.
  • Returns: Boolean indicating if the comparison indicator should be shown.

Public Methods

PopulateEntry(aInfoObj:Object) : *

Populates the item entry with the label and value based on the provided aInfoObj, and sets the comparison indicator if necessary.

  • Parameters: aInfoObj - An object containing the text, value, precision, duration, and difference rating for the item entry.
  • Returns: The method does not return a value.

Usage Example

var entry:ItemCard_Entry = new ItemCard_Entry();
var info:Object = {
    text: "Damage",
    value: 50,
    precision: 2,
    duration: 1,
    difference: 0.05,
    diffRating: 1  // Represents the "Good" rating

👉 Note: This code excerpt assumes relevant instances of the TextField and MovieClip classes referred to by Label_tf, Value_tf, and Comparison_mc are part of the ItemCard_Entry MovieClip and have been properly initialized.

Remember: Always provide the necessary context and instances for the ItemCard_Entry class to function correctly within your ActionScript 3.0 environment.