Components Itemcard_standardentry


The file defines a single AS3 class, ItemCard_StandardEntry, which extends the ItemCard_Entry class. This class is part of the Components package and is a dynamic class, meaning that properties can be dynamically added to instances of it at runtime. It’s designed for use within the Flash environment as it imports symbols from the flash.display package.

Below is a detailed breakdown of the code in




The class makes use of MovieClip from the flash.display package.

import flash.display.MovieClip;

Class Definition

Class Name: ItemCard_StandardEntry

Inheritance: Extends ItemCard_Entry

Type: Dynamic

Description: ItemCard_StandardEntry is designed to function as a standard entry in an item card system where dynamic properties might be required.


The constructor for ItemCard_StandardEntry is simple and only calls the constructor of its superclass ItemCard_Entry.

public function ItemCard_StandardEntry() {

Code Layout

Below is the structure of the ItemCard_StandardEntry class in markdown format:

- Components
  - ItemCard_StandardEntry
    - **Public Functions**
      - ItemCard_StandardEntry (Constructor)

Example Usage

The ItemCard_StandardEntry class is intended to be used as part of a larger system, likely for representing items in a UI component. Here is a pseudo-code example of how it might be used:

// Assuming there is an item card system already set up
var itemEntry:ItemCard_StandardEntry = new ItemCard_StandardEntry();
// Dynamic properties could be assigned as needed
itemEntry.someDynamicProperty = "some value";
// Then, the item entry could be added to the display list or manipulated further

Note: 📝 This documentation assumes that readers are familiar with the ActionScript 3 language, Flash development, and object-oriented programming principles.