Shared As3 Companionapp Mobilescrolllistproperties


The MobileScrollListProperties class defines properties for a mobile scroll list component within the Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP package.

It contains several configurable attributes that affect the appearance and behavior of the scroll list.

Class Definition

package Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP {
    public class MobileScrollListProperties {
        public var linkageId:String;
        public var maskDimension:Number;
        public var spaceBetweenButtons:Number;
        public var scrollDirection:uint;
        public var clickable:Boolean;
        public var reversed:Boolean;

        public function MobileScrollListProperties() {


Below is a detailed description of each property in the MobileScrollListProperties class.

Property Name Type Description
linkageId String The identifier used to link to the scroll list item symbols in the library of the flash file.
maskDimension Number The dimension of the mask that determines the visible area of the scroll list.
spaceBetweenButtons Number The space between individual buttons or items within the scroll list.
scrollDirection uint The direction of scrolling, usually represented by an enumeration (e.g., vertical or horizontal).
clickable Boolean A flag indicating whether the items in the list are clickable or not.
reversed Boolean Specifies if the order of items displayed in the list should be reversed.

Example Usage

Below is an example of how you might create an instance of MobileScrollListProperties and set its properties. The linkageId is set to “DefaultScrollListItemRenderer”, indicating the default renderer to be used. The maskDimension is set to 100, indicating the size of the visible area. spaceBetweenButtons is set at 5, denoting the spacing between items. scrollDirection is assigned a hypothetical enumeration value (e.g., SCROLL_VERTICAL). The clickable property is set to true, allowing list items to be interactive, and reversed is set to false, maintaining the standard order.

var scrollListProps:MobileScrollListProperties = new MobileScrollListProperties();
scrollListProps.linkageId = "DefaultScrollListItemRenderer";
scrollListProps.maskDimension = 100;
scrollListProps.spaceBetweenButtons = 5;
scrollListProps.scrollDirection = SCROLL_VERTICAL; // Assuming SCROLL_VERTICAL is a defined constant
scrollListProps.clickable = true;
scrollListProps.reversed = false;

This example creates a scroll list with the specified properties, which can then be utilized as part of a mobile app’s user interface.

Note: The example assumes the existence of a SCROLL_VERTICAL constant or equivalent enumeration that would be defined elsewhere in the application.