Shared As3 Conditionboy


This is the vault-boy which visually displays your limb conditions. The ConditionClips are used by the ConditionBoy component.

The file is part of the Shared.AS3 package and dynamically extends the BSUIComponent class. It is responsible for managing the visual representation of body and head condition states in a user interface.

Below is the documentation for ConditionBoy class with details on its properties, constructors, and methods.

Table of Contents

Class Overview

Package: Shared.AS3 Imports:

  • Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP.PipboyLoader
  • flash.display.MovieClip
  • flash.system.ApplicationDomain
  • flash.system.LoaderContext

Description: The ConditionBoy class handles loading and updating the visual representation of body and head conditions. It uses loaders to load SWF content dynamically and updates the UI components accordingly.


Property Type Description
BodyClip_mc MovieClip Clip representing the body condition.
HeadClip_mc MovieClip Clip representing the head condition.
_BodyFlags uint Flags representing the current body conditions.
_HeadFlags uint Flags representing the current head conditions.
_UpdateHead Boolean Indicates whether the head needs an update.
_UpdateBody Boolean Indicates whether the body needs an update.
Condition_Head_Loader PipboyLoader Loader for the head condition SWF.
Condition_Body_Loader PipboyLoader Loader for the body condition SWF.



Initializes a new instance of the ConditionBoy class. It sets up the loader for the head condition SWF and starts loading it.

public function ConditionBoy() {
    // ... (initialization code) ...

Public Methods

set BodyFlags(param1:uint): void

Sets the condition flags for the body and, if different from the current flags, loads the corresponding body condition SWF.

public function set BodyFlags(param1:uint): void {
    // ... (method code) ...

set HeadFlags(param1:uint): void

Sets the condition flags for the head and marks the component as dirty if the flags have changed, triggering an update.

public function set HeadFlags(param1:uint): void {
    // ... (method code) ...

redrawUIComponent(): void

Redraws the UI components if the head or body has been updated. This method is an override from the parent class BSUIComponent.

override public function redrawUIComponent(): void {
    // ... (method code) ...

Private Methods

onConditionBodyLoadComplete(param1:Event): *

Handles the event when the body condition SWF has finished loading.

private function onConditionBodyLoadComplete(param1:Event): * {
    // ... (method code) ...

onConditionHeadLoadComplete(param1:Event): *

Handles the event when the head condition SWF has finished loading.

private function onConditionHeadLoadComplete(param1:Event): * {
    // ... (method code) ...

Usage Example

👉 To use the ConditionBoy class:

  1. Create an instance of the class.
  2. Set the BodyFlags and HeadFlags properties to update the body and head conditions.
  3. The component will automatically handle the loading of SWF files and update the UI elements.

Important: The ConditionBoy class is a crucial part of the user interface, handling dynamic content updates based on the character’s condition states. It’s essential for developers working with this class to understand the asynchronous nature of SWF loading and the corresponding event handling to prevent memory leaks and ensure smooth UI updates.

💡 Tip: Always remove event listeners after their use to avoid potential memory leaks and ensure a clean update cycle.