Shared As3 Vaultboyimageloader


The VaultBoyImageLoader is a dynamic class extending BSUIComponent responsible for loading, displaying, and managing a Vault Boy image within a Flash/ActionScript 3.0 environment.

The default vault-boy is Components/Quest Vault Boys/Miscellaneous Quests/DefaultBoy.swf.

This class allows for the dynamic loading of SWF files that depict Vault Boy animations from the Fallout video game series. It provides properties to configure the playback and appearance of the loaded SWF animations.

Public Properties

Property Type Description
VaultBoyImageInternal_mc BSUIComponent MovieClip container for the Vault Boy image.
onLastFrame Function Callback function triggered on the last frame of the SWF animation.

Private Properties

๐Ÿ”’ The following properties are private:

Property Type Description
SWF MovieClip Reference to the currently loaded SWF animation MovieClip.
menuLoader Loader Loader object for loading SWF files.
_bUseFixedQuestStageSize Boolean Whether to use fixed quest stage dimensions.
_bPlayClipOnce Boolean Whether to play the SWF animation only once.
_clipAlignment String Alignment of the SWF clip (โ€œTopLeftโ€ or โ€œCenterโ€).
_defaultBoySwfName String Default SWF file path if no URL is provided.
_questAnimStageWidth Number Width of the area to display the quest animation.
_questAnimStageHeight Number Height of the area to display the quest animation.
_maxClipHeight Number Maximum height of the SWF clip.

Public Methods


Constructor initializing the VaultBoyImageLoader. Sets up the default properties and event listeners.

SWFLoad(param1:String) : void

Loads a SWF file with a given URL, hiding the current image and setting up a callback for completion.

onMenuLoadComplete(param1:Event, param2:String) : void

Handles the completion of the SWF loading, sets the loaded SWF as the current MovieClip, and makes it visible.

SetQuestMovieClip(param1:MovieClip) : void

Configures the loaded MovieClip with the appropriate scaling and positioning according to the class properties.

SWFUnload() : void

Unloads and cleans up the currently loaded SWF MovieClip.

Private Methods

๐Ÿ”’ The following methods are private:

onLastFrame_Impl(param1:String) : *

A placeholder implementation for the onLastFrame callback.

onSWFEnterFrame(param1:Event) : *

Handles the ENTER_FRAME event for the loaded SWF, checking if it should play once and then stopping the animation.

Usage Example

var imageLoader:VaultBoyImageLoader = new VaultBoyImageLoader();
imageLoader.bPlayClipOnce = true;
imageLoader.DefaultBoySwfName = "path/to/animation.swf";

๐Ÿ“‚ File:

๐Ÿ”ง Package: Shared.AS3

๐Ÿ’ก Note: This code is designed to be used within the context of a larger ActionScript 3.0 application, particularly one related to the Fallout game series user-interface. The actual behavior and visual output will depend on the context where this code is implemented and the SWF files it loads.