Shared Imenu


The IMenu class is part of the Shared package. This class extends the MovieClip class from the Flash API and provides functionality for handling platform requests, stage initialization, font resizing, and focus management within a user interface context.

IMenu is a foundational class in the Shared package for Fallout 4 game menus. Despite its name, itโ€™s an extendable class, not an interface.

It provides common functionality for game menus, handling platform-specific differences and UI interactions.

Used as a base class for creating custom game menus, handling platform-specific events, and managing UI focus.

No specific visual elements are directly linked to this class, but it manages the display and layout of UI components in a menu.

Though named like an interface, IMenu is an essential class for creating and managing game menus in Fallout 4.

Table of Contents

Class Overview

package Shared {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public class IMenu extends MovieClip {
        // ... class members ...


// Creating a new menu class
public class CustomMenu extends IMenu {
    public function CustomMenu() {
        // Custom menu initialization


Property Name Type Description
_uiPlatform uint The platform UI identifier.
_bPS3Switch Boolean A flag for PS3 platform switch.
_bRestoreLostFocus Boolean A flag to indicate if the lost focus should be restored.
safeX Number The safe area X coordinate.
safeY Number The safe area Y coordinate.
textFieldSizeMap Object A map to keep track of text fields and their sizes.

Public Methods

  • IMenu Constructor for the IMenu class. Initializes properties and event listeners.

  • get uiPlatform Getter for the _uiPlatform property.

  • get bPS3Switch Getter for the _bPS3Switch property.

  • get SafeX Getter for the safeX property.

  • get SafeY Getter for the safeY property.

  • SetPlatform Sets the platform type ID and PS3 switch value. Dispatches a PlatformChangeEvent.
    public function SetPlatform(auiPlatform:uint, abPS3Switch:Boolean): *
  • SetSafeRect Sets the safe area rectangle for the UI.
    public function SetSafeRect(aSafeX:Number, aSafeY:Number): *
  • ShrinkFontToFit Adjusts font size to fit within a specified area. It does this by shrinking the font size of a TextField to fit a specified max scroll value.
    public function ShrinkFontToFit(textField:TextField, amaxScrollV:int): *

Protected Methods

  • onPlatformRequestEvent Responds to platform request events.

  • onSetSafeRect Placeholder method for setting the safe rectangle. Designed to be overridden.

  • onMouseFocus Handles mouse focus events.

Private Methods

  • onFocusLost Handles focus lost events and restores focus if the _bRestoreLostFocus flag is true.

Event Handlers

  • onStageInit Initializes stage properties and adds focus-related event listeners upon being added to the stage.

  • onStageDestruct Cleans up focus-related event listeners upon being removed from the stage.


Usage Example:

var menu:IMenu = new IMenu();
menu.SetPlatform(PlatformChangeEvent.PLATFORM_PS3, true);
menu.SetSafeRect(100, 100);

Note: ๐Ÿ“ The IMenu class appears to be designed as a base class for menu-related UI components that would be customized further in subclasses. The actual resizing and focus restoration logic is implemented but onSetSafeRect is empty, implying it should be overridden in subclasses for specific behavior.