Scaleform Clik Layout Layoutdata


The LayoutData class is part of the scaleform.clik.layout package and is utilized for defining the layout properties related to the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) framework.



The LayoutData class provides constants to define common aspect ratios:

Constant Value
ASPECT_RATIO_4_3 "4:3"
ASPECT_RATIO_16_9 "16:9"
ASPECT_RATIO_16_10 "16:10"


The following table describes the properties of the LayoutData class:

Property Type Description
alignH String Horizontal alignment of the element.
alignV String Vertical alignment of the element.
offsetH int Horizontal offset of the element.
offsetV int Vertical offset of the element.
offsetHashH Dictionary Dictionary to store horizontal offset hashes.
offsetHashV Dictionary Dictionary to store vertical offset hashes.
relativeToH String The horizontal relative point for alignment.
relativeToV String The vertical relative point for alignment.
layoutIndex int Index used to determine the order of layout.
layoutIdentifier String Identifier for the layout data.


The LayoutData class constructor initializes the layout properties with optional parameters:

public function LayoutData(param1:String = "none", param2:String = "none", param3:int = -1, param4:int = -1, param5:String = null, param6:String = null, param7:int = -1, param8:String = null) {
    this.alignH = param1;
    this.alignV = param2;
    this.offsetH = param3;
    this.offsetV = param4;
    this.relativeToH = param5;
    this.relativeToV = param6;
    this.layoutIndex = param7;
    this.layoutIdentifier = param8;
    this.offsetHashH = new Dictionary();
    this.offsetHashV = new Dictionary();


Parameter Default Value Description
param1 "none" Initial value for horizontal alignment.
param2 "none" Initial value for vertical alignment.
param3 -1 Initial horizontal offset.
param4 -1 Initial vertical offset.
param5 null Initial relative horizontal point.
param6 null Initial relative vertical point.
param7 -1 Initial layout index.
param8 null Initial layout identifier.


toString() Method

The toString method provides a string representation of the LayoutData object for debugging purposes.

public function toString() : String {
    return "[LayoutData, h: " + this.alignH + ", v: " + this.alignV + ", oh: " + this.offsetH + ", ov: " + this.offsetV + ", relh: " + this.relativeToH + ", relv: " + this.relativeToV + ", idx: " + this.layoutIndex + "]";

Full Code

The entire LayoutData ActionScript class is provided below for reference:

package scaleform.clik.layout {
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;

    public class LayoutData {
        public static const ASPECT_RATIO_4_3:String = "4:3";
        public static const ASPECT_RATIO_16_9:String = "16:9";
        public static const ASPECT_RATIO_16_10:String = "16:10";

        public var alignH:String = null;
        public var alignV:String = null;
        public var offsetH:int = -1;
        public var offsetV:int = -1;
        public var offsetHashH:Dictionary = null;
        public var offsetHashV:Dictionary = null;
        public var relativeToH:String = null;
        public var relativeToV:String = null;
        public var layoutIndex:int = -1;
        public var layoutIdentifier:String = null;

        public function LayoutData(param1:String = "none", param2:String = "none", param3:int = -1, param4:int = -1, param5:String = null, param6:String = null, param7:int = -1, param8:String = null) {
            this.alignH = param1;
            this.alignV = param2;
            this.offsetH = param3;
            this.offsetV = param4;
            this.relativeToH = param5;
            this.relativeToV = param6;
            this.layoutIndex = param7;
            this.layoutIdentifier = param8;
            this.offsetHashH = new Dictionary();
            this.offsetHashV = new Dictionary();

        public function toString() : String {
            return "[LayoutData, h: " + this.alignH + ", v: " + this.alignV + ", oh: " + this.offsetH + ", ov: " + this.offsetV + ", relh: " + this.relativeToH + ", relv: " + this.relativeToV + ", idx: " + this.layoutIndex + "]";

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