Scaleform Clik Utils Constraints


This Markdown documentation provides an overview and detailed description of the Constraints class found in the scaleform.clik.utils package.

The Constraints class in ActionScript 3 is used to manage constraints on DisplayObjects within a UIComponent. It allows elements to be anchored to different sides of a container or aligned centrally, and to adjust their size and position based on the container’s size changes.

Table of Contents

Class Definition

package scaleform.clik.utils {
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Stage;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    import scaleform.clik.constants.ConstrainMode;
    import scaleform.clik.core.UIComponent;

    public class Constraints extends EventDispatcher {
        // ... Class contents ...


Property Type Description
LEFT uint A static property representing the left edge constraint.
RIGHT uint A static property representing the right edge constraint.
TOP uint A static property representing the top edge constraint.
BOTTOM uint A static property representing the bottom edge constraint.
ALL uint A static property representing all edge constraints.
CENTER_H uint A static property representing horizontal center constraint.
CENTER_V uint A static property representing vertical center constraint.
scope DisplayObject The DisplayObject that this Constraints object is managing.
scaleMode String The scaling mode for the constraints, default is "counterScale".
parentXAdjust Number Horizontal scaling adjustment factor.
parentYAdjust Number Vertical scaling adjustment factor.
elements Object An associative array of ConstrainedElement objects, with string keys.
elementCount int The number of elements that have constraints applied.
parentConstraints Constraints A reference to the parent’s Constraints object, if any.
lastWidth Number The last recorded width of the scope.
lastHeight Number The last recorded height of the scope.


Public Methods

  • addElement(param1:String, param2:DisplayObject, param3:uint): Adds a DisplayObject with a string identifier and specified constraints.
  • removeElement(param1:String): Removes the element with the given identifier from the constraints.
  • removeAllElements(): Clears all elements from the constraints.
  • getElement(param1:String): Retrieves the ConstrainedElement for the given identifier.
  • updateElement(param1:String, param2:DisplayObject): Updates the DisplayObject associated with the given identifier.
  • getXAdjust(): Calculates and returns the horizontal adjustment factor.
  • getYAdjust(): Calculates and returns the vertical adjustment factor.
  • update(param1:Number, param2:Number): Updates the constraints with the new width and height.
  • toString(): Returns a string representation of the Constraints object.

Protected Methods

  • handleScopeAddedToStage(param1:Event): Handles the addition of the scope to the stage.
  • addToParentConstraints(): Adds this constraints to the parent’s constraints if applicable.
  • handleParentConstraintsResize(param1:ResizeEvent): Handles the resize event from the parent’s constraints.

Example Usage

The following example demonstrates how to use the Constraints class to set up constraints for elements:

var myConstraints:Constraints = new Constraints(mySprite);
myConstraints.addElement("myTextField", myTextField, Constraints.LEFT | Constraints.TOP);
myConstraints.update(800, 600); // Update constraints with new width and height

Please note that this is just a basic usage example. In practice, the Constraints class is typically used within a more complex UI framework where elements are dynamically added and adjusted based on container resizing.

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