Scaleform Gfx Interactiveobjectex

InteractiveObjectEx is an ActionScript file that is part of the Scaleform GFX package. It extends the capabilities of InteractiveObject class by incorporating additional functionality related to hit testing and display list ordering.

The file defines a class InteractiveObjectEx which in turn extends DisplayObjectEx.

Class: InteractiveObjectEx

InteractiveObjectEx inherits from DisplayObjectEx and does not introduce additional properties or methods other than its constructor and two pairs of static methods for managing hit-test behavior and topmost level status.



Constructs a new InteractiveObjectEx instance.

public function InteractiveObjectEx() {

Static Methods

Method Description Parameters Return Type
setHitTestDisable Disables or enables hit testing for the specified interactive object. o:InteractiveObject: The object to modify.
f:Boolean: The flag to enable or disable hit testing.
getHitTestDisable Retrieves the hit test disabled status for the specified interactive object. o:InteractiveObject: The object to query. Boolean
setTopmostLevel Sets the specified interactive object to be at the topmost level. o:InteractiveObject: The object to modify.
f:Boolean: The flag to set the object to topmost level.
getTopmostLevel Retrieves whether the specified interactive object is at the topmost level. o:InteractiveObject: The object to query. Boolean

Code Example

The following code snippet shows how to use the InteractiveObjectEx class:

import scaleform.gfx.InteractiveObjectEx;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;

var interactiveObj:InteractiveObject = new InteractiveObject();

// Disable hit testing on the interactive object.
InteractiveObjectEx.setHitTestDisable(interactiveObj, true);

// Check if hit testing is disabled.
var isHitTestDisabled:Boolean = InteractiveObjectEx.getHitTestDisable(interactiveObj);

// Set the interactive object to the topmost level.
InteractiveObjectEx.setTopmostLevel(interactiveObj, true);

// Check if the interactive object is at the topmost level.
var isTopmostLevel:Boolean = InteractiveObjectEx.getTopmostLevel(interactiveObj);

Remember that methods getHitTestDisable and getTopmostLevel are set to always return false in the provided code, you might need to implement the actual functionality in your project.

🔔 Note: This documentation is based on the provided code and may not reflect the full functionality of the InteractiveObjectEx class if additional features are implemented outside of this file or within the Scaleform GFX framework.

Bold elements like method names, parameters, and return types have been used to enhance the readability of this documentation.