
PlayerList is a dynamic class that extends the ItemList class. It is designed to represent a list of players within a given context.


Class Definition


Package: The PlayerList class is defined within an unnamed package.

Inheritance: PlayerList is a subclass of ItemList.

package {
    public dynamic class PlayerList extends ItemList {
        // Class contents go here


The PlayerList class contains a constructor that simply calls the constructor of its superclass, ItemList.

public function PlayerList() {


To use the PlayerList class, create an instance of it by calling its constructor. Since it is a dynamic class, properties and methods can be added to it at runtime.


var playerList:PlayerList = new PlayerList();

// Since PlayerList is dynamic, you can add properties like this
playerList.teamName = "Warriors";

Note: As a best practice, avoid adding properties and methods at runtime as it can lead to hard-to-maintain code.

Property/Method Type Description
PlayerList Constructor Initializes a new instance of the PlayerList class.

🚀 Tip: Always make sure to create well-documented code by adding comments and adhering to coding standards. This will increase readability and maintainability.

⚠️ Caution: Since PlayerList is a dynamic class, be mindful of the potential for runtime errors caused by typos or undefined properties/methods. Use this feature wisely.