
The file is an ActionScript file that defines a custom scrolling list class called ItemList. This list is designed to be used within a user interface where elements in the list can be selected, and different behaviors such as a transfer arrow visibility are managed upon selection.

Below is the detailed documentation for the ItemList class:

Class Definition

package {
    import Shared.AS3.BSScrollingList;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public class ItemList extends BSScrollingList {

The ItemList class extends the BSScrollingList class, which provides basic scrolling list functionality.


Constant Type Description
MOUSE_OVER String A static const representing the mouse over event name for the ItemList.


Property Type Description
TransferArrow_mc MovieClip A MovieClip object representing the transfer arrow displayed when an item is selected.
ScrollUp_mc MovieClip A MovieClip object representing the scroll up button.
ScrollDown_mc MovieClip A MovieClip object representing the scroll down button.


public function ItemList() {
    if(this.TransferArrow_mc != null) {
        this.TransferArrow_mc.visible = false;
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, this.onMouseOver);
    addEventListener(BSScrollingList.SELECTION_CHANGE, this.onSelectionChange);

The constructor initializes the ItemList by hiding the TransferArrow_mc if it exists and adding event listeners for mouse over and selection change events.

Event Handlers


private function onSelectionChange(event:Event) : * {
    if(this.TransferArrow_mc != null) {
        if(this.selectedIndex == -1) {
            this.TransferArrow_mc.visible = false;
        } else {
            this.TransferArrow_mc.y = GetClipByIndex(this.selectedEntry.clipIndex).y;
            this.TransferArrow_mc.visible = true;

This method controls the visibility and position of the TransferArrow_mc based on the selection state of the list.


private function onMouseOver(event:MouseEvent) : * {
    dispatchEvent(new Event(MOUSE_OVER, true, true));

When a mouse over event is detected, the onMouseOver handler dispatches a custom MOUSE_OVER event.

Usage Example

In a user interface where an ItemList instance has been added, the list will handle user interactions to visually indicate selected items with the transfer arrow and provide responsiveness to mouse events.


The ItemList class is a customized scrolling list suitable for user interfaces where list selections are visually indicated. It extends the functionality of the BSScrollingList by adding specific behavior for item selection and mouse over events.