
The HeaderArrow class extends the MovieClip class and is designed to dispatch a custom event when a mouse-up event is detected on an instance of this class.

Class Definition

package {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    public class HeaderArrow extends MovieClip {

Public Constants

Constant Type Description
MOUSE_UP String A custom event type string for the mouse up event.


The constructor of the HeaderArrow class is where the instance adds an event listener for the MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP event.

public function HeaderArrow() {
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, this.onMouseUp);

Event Handlers


When a mouse-up event is detected on the HeaderArrow instance, this handler dispatches a custom event with the type MOUSE_UP.

public function onMouseUp(event:MouseEvent) : void {
    dispatchEvent(new Event(MOUSE_UP, true, true));


To create an instance of HeaderArrow:

var headerArrow:HeaderArrow = new HeaderArrow();

To listen to the custom MOUSE_UP event:

headerArrow.addEventListener(HeaderArrow.MOUSE_UP, onHeaderArrowMouseUp);

function onHeaderArrowMouseUp(event:Event):void {
    // Handle the mouse up event

💡 Tips

  • Event Bubbling: The custom MOUSE_UP event is set to bubble, which means the event will propagate up through the display list.
  • Event Cancelable: The custom MOUSE_UP event is set to be cancelable, allowing listeners to prevent any default behavior associated with the event.

👀 Notes

  • Be mindful to remove event listeners and properly dispose of HeaderArrow instances to prevent memory leaks.
  • This class assumes that there will be a visual representation in the MovieClip that will respond to mouse events. Make sure your HeaderArrow MovieClip has the appropriate graphics or interactive elements.

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