
The file defines the ListHeader class which extends the MovieClip class from the Adobe Flash library. It’s primarily used for managing the header section of lists which include the title text and accompanying left and right navigation arrows.

Class Definition

package {
    import Shared.GlobalFunc;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
    import scaleform.gfx.Extensions;
    import scaleform.gfx.TextFieldEx;

    public class ListHeader extends MovieClip {
        public var textField:TextField;
        public var LeftArrow:MovieClip;
        public var RightArrow:MovieClip;

        public function ListHeader() {
            Extensions.enabled = true;
            TextFieldEx.setTextAutoSize(this.textField, "shrink");

        public function get headerText() : String {
            return this.textField.text;

        public function get headerWidth() : * {
            return this.RightArrow.x + this.RightArrow.width;

        public function set headerText(strText:String) : void {
            var metrics:TextLineMetrics = null;
            if (this.textField && strText) {
                metrics = this.textField.getLineMetrics(0);
                this.RightArrow.x = this.textField.x + metrics.width + 10;

        public function SetArrowVisibility(abVisible:Boolean) : * {
            this.LeftArrow.visible = abVisible;
            this.RightArrow.visible = abVisible;

Class Members

Public Variables

Variable Type Description
textField TextField The text field for the header text.
LeftArrow MovieClip The left navigational arrow movie clip.
RightArrow MovieClip The right navigational arrow movie clip.


  • ListHeader() Initializes a new instance of the ListHeader class. It enables the Scaleform extensions and sets the text auto-sizing to “shrink” for the text field.

Public Functions

  • headerText: String (getter) Returns the current text of the header’s text field.

  • headerWidth: * (getter) Returns the calculated width of the header based on the position and width of the RightArrow.

  • set headerText(strText: String): void (setter) Sets the text of the header’s text field and adjusts the RightArrow’s position based on the text width.


    Argument Type Description
    strText String The text to set.
  • SetArrowVisibility(abVisible: Boolean): * Sets the visibility of both LeftArrow and RightArrow based on the provided boolean value.


    Argument Type Description
    abVisible Boolean true to show arrows, false to hide.

Usage Example

// Create an instance of ListHeader
var header:ListHeader = new ListHeader();

// Set the header text
header.headerText = "Main Menu";

// Adjust arrow visibility

This example demonstrates how to create an instance of the ListHeader class, set the header text, and adjust the visibility of the navigation arrows.

Additional Notes ✏️

  • The class utilizes Scaleform extensions, which are specific to Adobe Flash and may not be available or necessary in other environments.
  • The get and set functions for headerText enable the encapsulation of the text field’s content.

💡 Tip: Always ensure that the textField is properly initialized before setting text or calculating widths to avoid runtime errors.