ContainerList is an ActionScript file that defines a dynamic class named ContainerList. This class extends from a base class called ItemList.

The ContainerList class is meant to represent a list of container-like objects, potentially used in a graphical user interface or a game inventory system.

Below is the detailed documentation for the ContainerList class.

Class Definition

The ContainerList class is a dynamic class, meaning that properties can be added to instances of this class at runtime.

ContainerList Class

Property/Method Type Description Access
Constructor Function Initializes a new instance of the class. Public



public function ContainerList()


The constructor for the ContainerList class. It calls the superclass (ItemList) constructor during its initialization process.

Example Usage:

var containerList:ContainerList = new ContainerList();

Code Block

Here is the complete code for

package {
    public dynamic class ContainerList extends ItemList {
        public function ContainerList() {


To use the ContainerList class, you must first import it (if it’s not in the same package as the class you’re using it from), then create an instance of ContainerList.


import ContainerList;

var myList:ContainerList = new ContainerList();
// myList can now hold container items

Inheritance Chain

ContainerList inherits from ItemList, which means it has access to all the properties, methods, and events of the ItemList unless overridden.

Bold Key Elements:

  • dynamic
  • ContainerList
  • ItemList
  • constructor

📝 Note: Since ContainerList is a dynamic class, it can be customized further at runtime, which makes it versatile for various applications.