
The Option_Scrollbar AS3 (ActionScript 3.0) class provides functionality to create a custom scrollbar within a Flash application. This class extends the MovieClip class, and includes interactivity through mouse and keyboard events.

Class Structure




package {
    // Import statements
    // Option_Scrollbar class definition
    public class Option_Scrollbar extends MovieClip {

Class Definition

public class Option_Scrollbar extends MovieClip {


Property Type Description
VALUE_CHANGE String Static const representing the change in scrollbar value.
Track_mc MovieClip Represents the track of the scrollbar.
Thumb_mc MovieClip Represents the draggable thumb of the scrollbar.
LeftArrow_mc MovieClip Represents a clickable left arrow for decrementing the value.
RightArrow_mc MovieClip Represents a clickable right arrow for incrementing the value.
LeftCatcher_mc MovieClip Invisible area to detect clicks for decrementing the value.
RightCatcher_mc MovieClip Invisible area to detect clicks for incrementing the value.
BarCatcher_mc MovieClip Invisible area to detect clicks on the track bar for setting the value directly.



public function Option_Scrollbar() {

Initializes the scrollbar properties and event listeners.

Public Methods

Method Return Type Description
Decrement * Decrements the value by the step size.
Increment * Increments the value by the step size.
HandleKeyboardInput * Handles keyboard input for left and right arrow keys.


Event Associated Method Description
MouseEvent.CLICK onClick Handles click events for the scrollbar components.
MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN onThumbMouseDown Handles the thumb drag operation.
MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP onThumbMouseUp Stops the thumb drag operation.
MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE onThumbMouseMove Tracks mouse movement and updates the value during drag.

Event Dispatched

dispatchEvent(new Event(VALUE_CHANGE,true,true));

Dispatched when the value of the scrollbar is changed through interaction.


Creating an instance of Option_Scrollbar

var scrollbar:Option_Scrollbar = new Option_Scrollbar();

Listening for the VALUE_CHANGE event

scrollbar.addEventListener(Option_Scrollbar.VALUE_CHANGE, valueChangeHandler);

function valueChangeHandler(event:Event):void {
    trace("Scrollbar value changed!");


package {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    public class Option_Scrollbar extends MovieClip {
        public function Option_Scrollbar() {
            this.fMinThumbX = this.Track_mc.x;
            addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.onClick);


The Option_Scrollbar class provides a customizable scrollbar with keyboard and mouse interaction capabilities, allowing users to scroll content within Flash applications. The class can be extended and modified to suit specific design and functionality requirements.