
The Container Menu is used to move items between the Player and a Container.


  • var BGSCodeObj:Object
  • var ButtonHintBar_mc:BSButtonHintBar
  • var CapsLabel_tf:TextField
  • var ContainerInventory_mc:MovieClip
  • var ContainerList_mc:ItemList
  • var ItemCard_mc:ItemCard
  • var PickpocketInfo_mc:MovieClip
  • var PlayerInventory_mc:MovieClip
  • var QuantityMenu_mc:MovieClip
  • var PlayerHasJunk:Boolean
  • function get containerIsSelected():Boolean
  • function get selectedIndex():int
  • function set inspectingFeaturedItem(aValue:Boolean):*
  • function set playFocusSounds(aValue:Boolean):*
  • function set playerHasJunk(aValue:Boolean):*
  • function onIntroAnimComplete():*
  • function SetContainerInfo(strName:String, auiMode:uint):*
  • function get playerListArray():Array
  • function get containerListArray():Array
  • function set sortButtonLabel(aStr:String):*
  • function set messageBoxIsActive(aActive:Boolean):*
  • function InvalidateLists():*
  • function SwitchToContainerList(aPlaySound:Boolean = true):Boolean
  • function onQuantityConfirm(event:Event):*
  • function onAccept():*
  • function onQuantityAccepted():*
  • function onTakeAll():*
  • function onEquipOrStore():*
  • function onExitMenu():*
  • function onQuantityCanceled():*
  • function onInspect():*
  • function onEndInspect():*
  • function onKeyUp(event:KeyboardEvent):void
  • function ProcessUserEvent(strEventName:String, abPressed:Boolean):Boolean
  • function UpdateEncumbranceAndCaps(aContainer:Boolean, aCurrWeight:uint, aMaxWeight:uint, aCaps:uint, aIncomingCaps:int):*
  • function UpdatePickpocketInfo(aShow:Boolean, aTaking:Boolean, aSuccessPercent:uint):*
  • function onQuantityModified(aEvent:Event):*
  • function onToggleEquip():*
  • function requestSort():*


  • function PlaySound(name:String):void
  • function toggleSelectedItemEquipped(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):void
  • function confirmInvest():void
  • function inspectItem():void
  • function getSelectedItemEquipped(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):Boolean
  • function onIntroAnimComplete():void
  • function getItemValue(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):*
  • function getSelectedItemEquippable(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):Boolean
  • function show3D(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):void
  • function sendYButton():void
  • function sendXButton():void
  • function updateItemPickpocketInfo(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):void
  • function sortItems(isPlayerInv:Boolean, indexFilter:uint, arg3:Boolean):void
  • function exitMenu():void
  • function transferItem(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):void
  • function takeAllItems():void
  • function updateSortButtonLabel(isPlayerInv:Boolean, indexFilter:uint):void

See Also Documentation

The is an ActionScript file that defines a menu system used for managing items in a container within a game, such as Fallout 4. This documentation provides an overview of its components and functionalities.


The ContainerMenu class extends the IMenu class and contains several components to create the container inventory interface:

Component Type Description
ButtonHintBar_mc BSButtonHintBar A bar that displays various button hints for the user.
CapsLabel_tf TextField A label displaying the number of caps (currency).
ContainerInventory_mc MovieClip The container’s inventory display area.
ContainerList_mc ItemList The list of items in the container.
ItemCard_mc ItemCard A card displaying detailed information about the selected item.
PickpocketInfo_mc MovieClip Information display for pickpocketing chances.
PlayerInventory_mc MovieClip The player’s inventory display area.
QuantityMenu_mc MovieClip Menu for selecting the quantity of items to transfer.
PlayerHasJunk Boolean Indicates if the player has junk items.
BGSCodeObj Object An object containing game-specific code.

Buttons and Hints

The menu includes several button hints that prompt the user to perform actions:

Button Description
SwitchToPlayerButton Switches the view to the player’s inventory.
SwitchToContainerButton Switches the view to the container’s inventory.
AcceptButton Confirms a selected action, such as transferring items.
TakeAllButton Takes all items from the container.
EquipOrStoreButton Equips or stores the selected item.
SortButton Sorts the inventory list.
InspectButton Inspects the selected item.
ExitButton Exits the container menu.
QuantityAcceptButton Accepts the selected quantity of items.
QuantityCancelButton Cancels the quantity selection.

Key Functions

The ContainerMenu class has several key functions that handle user interactions and updates to the menu:

  • PopulateButtonBar(): Sets up the button hint bar with the relevant buttons.
  • SetContainerInfo(): Sets the name and mode of the container.
  • InvalidateLists(): Updates the display of item lists.
  • UpdateButtonHints(): Refreshes the visibility and text of button hints.
  • SwitchToContainerList(): Changes focus to the container list.
  • SwitchToPlayerList(): Changes focus to the player list.
  • OpenQuantityMenu(): Opens the quantity selection menu.
  • CloseQuantityMenu(): Closes the quantity selection menu.
  • UpdateItemCard(): Updates the item card with details of the selected item.
  • onItemPress(): Handles item selection events.
  • onQuantityConfirm(): Confirms the selected quantity of items.
  • onExitMenu(): Handles the event to exit the menu.

Event Listeners

The class listens to various events to handle user input and internal updates:

  • Keyboard events to navigate the menu.
  • Mouse events to interact with different components.
  • Custom events related to item selection and quantity changes.


The file is typically used within the UI framework of a game, where it manages the interaction between the player and items in a container. It is responsible for displaying item information, transferring items between the player and the container, and handling user input.


The ContainerMenu class provides a comprehensive system for managing container inventories in a game, with a focus on user interaction and functionality. It integrates various UI components and handles logic for item transfer, equipping, sorting, and inspecting.