
The PlayerInventory class is an ActionScript file that extends MovieClip to provide a dynamic user interface for a game’s player inventory system. Below is the detailed documentation of the file.

File Overview


Package: (root package)


  • flash.display.MovieClip
  • flash.text.TextField

Description: The PlayerInventory class is designed to handle the in-game player inventory interface. It contains references to various text fields and movie clips that make up the inventory HUD (Heads-Up Display).

Class Definition

package {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public dynamic class PlayerInventory extends MovieClip {
        // Class properties
        public var RightHitBox_tf:TextField;
        public var PlayerCaps_tf:TextField;
        public var LeftHitBox_tf:TextField;
        public var PlayerListHeader:ListHeader;
        public var PlayerWeight_tf:TextField;
        public var PlayerList_mc:PlayerList;
        public var PlayerBracketBackground_mc:MovieClip;
        public var PlayerSwitchButton_tf:TextField;

        // Constructor
        public function PlayerInventory() {

        // Private method
        function __setProp_PlayerList_mc_PlayerInventory_Layer1_0() : * {
            try {
                this.PlayerList_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
            } catch(e:Error) {
            this.PlayerList_mc.listEntryClass = "PlayerListEntry";
            this.PlayerList_mc.numListItems = 9;
            this.PlayerList_mc.restoreListIndex = true;
            this.PlayerList_mc.textOption = "Shrink To Fit";
            this.PlayerList_mc.verticalSpacing = 0;
            try {
                this.PlayerList_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
            } catch(e:Error) {


The following table describes the properties within the PlayerInventory class:

Property Name Type Description
RightHitBox_tf TextField A text field for the right hitbox area.
PlayerCaps_tf TextField A text field showing the number of player caps.
LeftHitBox_tf TextField A text field for the left hitbox area.
PlayerListHeader ListHeader The header for the player list.
PlayerWeight_tf TextField A text field showing the player’s weight.
PlayerList_mc PlayerList The movie clip that contains the player list.
PlayerBracketBackground_mc MovieClip The background movie clip for the bracket.
PlayerSwitchButton_tf TextField A text field for the player switch button.


The constructor of the PlayerInventory class calls the super() method to inherit properties and methods from the MovieClip class. It also initializes the player list component by calling the __setProp_PlayerList_mc_PlayerInventory_Layer1_0 method.



This private method is responsible for configuring the PlayerList_mc movie clip. It sets various properties such as the list entry class name, the number of list items, restoration of list indices, text options for the entries, and vertical spacing between list items.


  • listEntryClass: “PlayerListEntry”
  • numListItems: 9
  • restoreListIndex: true
  • textOption: “Shrink To Fit”
  • verticalSpacing: 0


The PlayerInventory class provides a structured approach to managing the player’s inventory within a game. It incorporates various UI components that are essential for displaying and interacting with inventory items.

The class is thoughtfully designed to be both flexible and intuitive for programmers to adapt and extend according to the game’s specific needs.