
The FilterHolder class is a dynamic extension of the MovieClip class designed to hold a menu filter within a Flash-based user interface. This class is responsible for initiating a frame script and handling the completion of an introductory animation for the menu.

Below is a detailed documentation of the file.

Class Definition

package {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public dynamic class FilterHolder extends MovieClip {

        // Public variable declaration
        public var Menu_mc:ContainerMenu;

        // Constructor
        public function FilterHolder() {
            addFrameScript(9, this.frame10);

        // Frame script function
        function frame10() : * {


The constructor for the FilterHolder class executes the base MovieClip constructor and adds a frame script on the 10th frame of the timeline.


Method Description
FilterHolder() Calls the super() method to execute the parent class constructor and adds a frame script at the 9th frame index (which corresponds to the 10th frame due to zero-based indexing).


Public Variables:

Variable Type Description
Menu_mc ContainerMenu References the ContainerMenu object associated with the FilterHolder. This menu is expected to have an onIntroAnimComplete method which is called once the animation completes.


Frame Script Function:

Function Return Type Description
frame10() * (Wildcard) This method is called as a frame script when the playhead reaches the 10th frame of the FilterHolder MovieClip timeline. It invokes the onIntroAnimComplete() method of Menu_mc to signal that the intro animation has completed. It also stops the playhead to prevent further playback of the timeline.


When an instance of FilterHolder is created (usually by Flash runtime when a corresponding MovieClip symbol is instantiated), it automatically runs the constructor which adds the frame script. When the timeline reaches the 10th frame, it executes the frame10 function, causing the Menu_mc to be notified that its introductory animation is complete and then halting the timeline.

Important Notes:

  • This class must be associated with a MovieClip symbol that has at least 10 frames in its timeline for the frame script to work properly.
  • The Menu_mc instance should be properly defined and have an onIntroAnimComplete method to avoid runtime errors.

📝 Final Remarks

The FilterHolder class is a simple yet specific class designed for a particular use case within a Flash application. Proper initialization and usage are crucial for its functionality.

Remember to:

  • Ensure that all necessary assets and scripts are linked correctly.
  • Use a naming convention that matches the expected Menu_mc for consistency within the codebase.
  • Test the animation and the triggering of the onIntroAnimComplete method to confirm proper timeline control.

👉 Bold elements indicate key aspects and components within the code and the documentation.