
The ItemListEntry class extends BSScrollingListEntry to provide functionality for displaying item entries with various icons and text manipulation based on the item’s properties. It is part of the package that can be found in the file

Class Definition

package {
    import Shared.AS3.BSScrollingListEntry;
    import Shared.GlobalFunc;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;

    public class ItemListEntry extends BSScrollingListEntry {
        // ... class members ...

Class Members

Public Variables

Variable Name Type Description
LeftIcon_mc MovieClip MovieClip instance for the left icon.
FavoriteIcon_mc MovieClip MovieClip instance for the favorite icon.
LegendaryIcon_mc MovieClip MovieClip instance for the legendary icon.
TaggedForSearchIcon_mc MovieClip MovieClip instance for the icon indicating the item is tagged for search.

Private Variables

Variable Name Type Description
BaseTextFieldWidth * Stores the original width of the text field.



public function ItemListEntry() {
    this.BaseTextFieldWidth = textField.width;

Initializes the ItemListEntry by calling the superclass constructor and storing the width of the text field.



Overrides the SetEntryText method from the parent class to customize the text and icons based on item properties.

*SetEntryText(aEntryObject:Object, astrTextOption:String) : **

override public function SetEntryText(aEntryObject:Object, astrTextOption:String) : * {
    // ... implementation details ...
  • aEntryObject: The object containing the item’s data.
  • astrTextOption: A string that determines the text display option.
  • Toggles visibility of icons based on item properties (tagged for search, favorite, isLegendary).
  • Adjusts text field width to accommodate the visible icons.
  • Sets the item count and barter count display.
  • Alters the color transform for different icons based on selection state.

Example Usage:

var itemListEntry:ItemListEntry = new ItemListEntry();
var itemData:Object = {
    taggedForSearch: true,
    favorite: 2,
    isLegendary: false,
    // ... other properties ...
itemListEntry.SetEntryText(itemData, "default");

🖥️ User Interface Behavior

  • The ItemListEntry class manages the visual representation of an item within a list, such as in an inventory screen.
  • It supports displaying various status icons next to the item’s name (e.g., favorite, legendary, tagged for search).
  • The color of icons may change to indicate selection status.

🔧 Development Notes

The ItemListEntry class is tightly coupled with the graphical assets within the Flash MovieClip symbols. It assumes that certain MovieClip instances and properties are present, such as LeftIcon_mc, FavoriteIcon_mc, etc.

🗒️ Additional Information

🚀 This class is designed for use within an ActionScript 3.0 project and may be part of a game’s user interface codebase, such as that of a Bethesda game using the Scaleform framework for UI design.

🛠️ The manipulation of ColorTransform properties allows for dynamic visual feedback based on the item’s selection state.

📌 It is important to note that changes to the class may require corresponding changes to the associated .fla assets for the MovieClips.