
The Terminal class is an ActionScript 3.0 class that is designed to function as an interactive terminal within a user interface system.

It inherits from IMenu and contains numerous elements for text display, input handling, and visual feedback such as blinking cursors and highlights.

In summary, the Terminal class is a complex and feature-rich class designed to manage and animate a terminal-like interface in an ActionScript 3.0 environment. It includes support for text display and animations, sound playback, input handling, and hacking game mechanics.

The following documentation provides an overview of the properties and methods within the Terminal class.


The Terminal class contains a wide array of properties which are primarily used for managing the user interface elements such as text fields, movie clips, and menu items.

Property Type Description
HeaderText_tf TextField Text field for the header text.
WelcomeText_tf TextField Text field for the welcome message.
DisplayText_tf TextField Main text field for displaying terminal text.
ResponsePrompt_tf TextField Text field used for input prompts.
ResponseText_tf TextField Text field to show user’s input text.
ResponseLog_tf TextField Text field for logging responses.
HackingAttempts_tf TextField Text field showing the number of hacking attempts left.
MenuItemList_mc MenuItemList MovieClip that handles the menu item list.
BlinkingCursor_mc MovieClip MovieClip for the blinking cursor animation.
HackingHighlight1_mc MovieClip MovieClip for the first hacking highlight.
HackingHighlight2_mc MovieClip MovieClip for the second hacking highlight.
HackingGuessX_mc MovieClip MovieClips for hacking guess indicators, where X can be from 1 to 5.
BGSCodeObj Object Generic object used for passing around code references.
strHeaderText String String for storing header text.
strWelcomeText String String for storing welcome text.
strDisplayText String String for storing display text.
strResponseText String String for storing response text.
timer Timer Timer used for text animation.
iTickCount int Counter to store the tick count of the timer.
bAnimateResponseText Boolean Flag to determine if the response text should be animated.
bAnimateDisplayText Boolean Flag to determine if the display text should be animated.
bShowHackingAttempts Boolean Flag to determine if hacking attempts should be shown.
bAcceptDebounce Boolean Debouncing flag for input acceptance.
displayText_x, displayText_y, displayText_width, displayText_height Number Coordinates and dimensions for display text positioning.
responsePrompt_x, responsePrompt_y, responseText_x, responseText_y, responseText_width Number Coordinates for response prompt and text positioning.
displayTextMenuBuffer_y Number Vertical spacing buffer for the display text menu.
menuItemList_y Number Y coordinate for the menu item list.
menuItemList_height Number Height of the menu item list.
menuItemList_scrollDownY Number Y coordinate for the menu item list’s scroll down button.
displayText_startChar Number Starting character index for animated display text.
displayText_isDone Boolean Flag to determine if the display text is done animating.
DisplayImage_mc MovieClip MovieClip to display an image within the terminal.
DisplayImageLoader Loader Loader to handle image loading for the display image.
ncharRemainder Private variable Remainder variable for character calculations during animations.
ucharsPerSec Private variable Characters per second for text animation.


The Terminal class includes methods for text animations, mouse interactions, text updates, timer control, and much more.

Public Methods

Method Return Type Description
Terminal Constructor Initializes the terminal, sets up properties, and event listeners.
onCodeObjCreate void Sets up additional properties once the code object is created.
playSelectSound void Plays sound associated with selection.
RegisterTerminalElements void Registers the terminal elements and sets up event listeners.
DisplayHack void A placeholder method for future functionality related to display hacks.
AnimateText void Begins the text animation process.
onTextOver void Handles mouse over events on the text.
onTextClick void Validates the hacking word when text is clicked.
ConvertToGlobal Point Converts the position of a TextField to a global point.
UpdateTextField void Updates a TextField with new text.
UpdateText void Updates the display and response texts based on animation needs.
SetCursorPosition void Sets the position of the blinking cursor.
ShowHackingHighlight void Shows or hides the hacking highlights on the display text.
StartTimer void Starts the text animation timer.
StopTimer void Stops the text animation timer.
IsTextAnimating Boolean Determines if the text is currently animating.
FinishAnimatingText void Finishes animating text instantly.
set headerText void Setter for strHeaderText.
set welcomeText void Setter for strWelcomeText.
set displayText void Setter for strDisplayText.
DisplayTextNextPage void Prepares the next page of display text for animation.
IsDisplayTextDone Boolean Checks if the display text has finished animating.
set responseText void Setter for strResponseText.
SetDisplayMode void Sets the display mode for hacking or standard display.
PushResponseLog void Appends text to the response log.
ShowHackingGuesses void Shows or hides the hacking guess indicators.
RemoveGuessBlock void Removes one block from the hacking guess indicators.
ProcessUserEvent Boolean Processes user input events and stops text animation if needed.
LoadDisplayImage void Loads an image to be displayed in the terminal.
onItemPress void Handles item press events within the menu list.
onMouseClick void Responds to mouse click events.
__setProp_MenuItemList_mc_TerminalBase_Layer1_0 void Component Inspector setting method for MenuItemList_mc.

Private Methods

Method Return Type Description
onDisplayImageLoadComplete void Event handler for when the display image has loaded successfully.


The class sets up several event listeners for handling selection changes, item presses, mouse events, and timer events.

Usage Example

To create an instance of the Terminal class in your ActionScript 3.0 project, you can do the following:

var terminalInstance:Terminal = new Terminal();

Once created, you can interact with the terminal through its public methods and properties. For instance, to start animating some display text, you would set the displayText property:

terminalInstance.displayText = "Welcome to the Terminal Interface!";

After setting up the text, you could then start the animation process:


It’s important to note that you would also need to provide the necessary artwork, sounds, and other resources for the terminal to function fully within your user interface implementation.