
The MenuItemList class extends the BSScrollingList from the package Shared.AS3. It provides additional functionality to manage and animate text within menu items in a scrollable list format.

Class Definition

package {
    import Shared.AS3.BSScrollingList;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public class MenuItemList extends BSScrollingList {
        public function MenuItemList() {

        // ... Additional methods ...

Public Methods

The constructor of the MenuItemList class. It calls the constructor of the superclass BSScrollingList.


public function MenuItemList()

ConvertToGlobal(param1:TextField): Point

Converts the position of the last character in a TextField to a global position.


  • param1: The TextField from which to calculate the global position.


  • A Point object representing the global position of the last character in the provided TextField.


public function ConvertToGlobal(param1:TextField): Point

AnimateText(param1:Boolean, param2:MovieClip, param3:uint): Boolean

Animates text within the menu items. It can either reveal the text by slicing or display the full text instantly.


  • param1: A Boolean indicating whether to display full text instantly (true) or to animate the text by slicing characters (false).
  • param2: The MovieClip to which the position of the animated text will be set.
  • param3: A uint value indicating the number of characters to slice per animation frame when param1 is false.


  • A Boolean indicating whether the animation has finished.


public function AnimateText(param1:Boolean, param2:MovieClip, param3:uint): Boolean

Usage Example

Below is a usage example of how MenuItemList methods can be utilized:

var menuItemList:MenuItemList = new MenuItemList();

// Assume we have a TextField instance and MovieClip instance
var someTextField:TextField;
var someMovieClip:MovieClip;

// Convert the position of the last character to a global position
var globalPoint:Point = menuItemList.ConvertToGlobal(someTextField);

// Start text animation in the menu items
var animationFinished:Boolean = menuItemList.AnimateText(false, someMovieClip, 1);

if (animationFinished) {
    // Animation has finished, proceed with additional logic

📌 Important Notes

  • The AnimateText method relies on the internal state of EntriesA, which is likely an array inherited from BSScrollingList representing the list entries.
  • The AnimateText method updates the state of each entry in EntriesA and may modify the x and y properties of param2 (MovieClip) to match the global position of the current animated text.
  • iListItemsShown is likely a property inherited from BSScrollingList which defines how many list items are displayed at once.
  • The GetClipByIndex method is used to retrieve a specific MovieClip associated with a list entry, implying that each entry has a corresponding MovieClip representing its visual component.
  • disableInput is set based on the state of the animation and list contents, suggesting an interaction mechanism with the list items.

📖 Best Practices

  • Ensure that EntriesA is correctly initialized and populated before calling AnimateText.
  • Handle the animationFinished state appropriately after calling AnimateText to synchronize any dependent logic with the animation state.
  • Be mindful of the visual and interactive states of the list items when manipulating disableInput.