
The HackingHighlight.as file contains a class definition for HackingHighlight, which is an extension of the MovieClip class from the flash.display package. This class is designed to work with Flash/ActionScript 3.0 and is meant to visually highlight an element, presumably for a hacking-themed interface, with both a border and text elements.

Class: HackingHighlight


The HackingHighlight class serves as a dynamic class that extends MovieClip. It is equipped with two primary components:

  • A border, represented by HackingHighlightBorder_mc
  • A text field, represented by HackingHighlightText_tf

These members are expected to be visually represented in the associated FLA file for the Flash project.


Property Name Type Description
HackingHighlightBorder_mc MovieClip A MovieClip instance that serves as the border for the highlight effect.
HackingHighlightText_tf TextField A TextField instance for displaying text within the highlight effect.


The HackingHighlight class has a single constructor that initializes a new instance of the class.

public dynamic class HackingHighlight extends MovieClip {
    public var HackingHighlightBorder_mc:MovieClip;
    public var HackingHighlightText_tf:TextField;

    public function HackingHighlight() {

Example Usage

To use the HackingHighlight class, you would typically create an instance of it within your Flash project. The exact implementation details would depend on the larger context of your project.

var highlight:HackingHighlight = new HackingHighlight();
highlight.HackingHighlightText_tf.text = "Target Acquired";
// Additional setup and styling can be done here

πŸ“„ Note: It’s assumed that the visual elements for HackingHighlightBorder_mc and HackingHighlightText_tf are set up in the associated .fla file and properly linked to the class.

File Details

  • Filename: HackingHighlight.as
  • Language: ActionScript 3.0
  • Location: Presumably within the package directory, relative to the root of your Flash project.

πŸ”’ Security Consideration: Ensure that the usage of MovieClip and TextField does not expose your application to security risks by validating all input data and using secure coding practices.


  • flash.display.MovieClip
  • flash.text.TextField