
The PromptMenu class extends IMenu and is used to display a prompt in a user interface within a Flash-based project. The prompt communicates messages to users, and it can also include button prompts that correspond to user actions.

Class Definition


package {
    import Shared.AS3.BSUIComponent;
    import Shared.GlobalFunc;
    import Shared.IMenu;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;

    public class PromptMenu extends IMenu {
        public var BGSCodeObj:Object;
        public var PromptMenuPanel_mc:MovieClip;

        public function PromptMenu() {
            this.BGSCodeObj = new Object();

        override protected function onSetSafeRect() : void {
            GlobalFunc.LockToSafeRect(this.PromptMenuPanel_mc, "TL", SafeX, SafeY);

        public function set message(param1:String) : * {
            var _loc5_:Array = null;
            var _loc2_:BSUIComponent = this.PromptMenuPanel_mc.MessageHolder_mc as BSUIComponent;
            var _loc3_:TextField = _loc2_.textField;
            _loc3_.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

            var _loc4_:Array = param1.split("[");
            if (_loc4_.length > 1) {
                _loc5_ = _loc4_[1].split("]");
                GlobalFunc.SetText(_loc3_, _loc4_[0] + this.BGSCodeObj.getButtonFromUserEvent(_loc5_[0]) + _loc5_[1], true);
            } else {
                GlobalFunc.SetText(_loc3_, param1, true);


        public function onCodeObjDestruction() : * {
            this.BGSCodeObj = null;


Property Type Description
BGSCodeObj Object Object used for code-related functionality.
PromptMenuPanel_mc MovieClip MovieClip instance containing the prompt menu visuals and layout.



The constructor method initializes the PromptMenu instance.

public function PromptMenu() {
    this.BGSCodeObj = new Object();


Overrides the onSetSafeRect method to lock the PromptMenuPanel to the safe rectangle of the screen.

override protected function onSetSafeRect() : void {
    GlobalFunc.LockToSafeRect(this.PromptMenuPanel_mc, "TL", SafeX, SafeY);

set message

A setter method to define the prompt message to be displayed to the user. It supports button prompts through square brackets notation.

public function set message(param1:String) : * {
    // Method implementation...


A method to handle the destruction of the BGSCodeObj reference, ensuring it is cleaned up properly.

public function onCodeObjDestruction() : * {
    this.BGSCodeObj = null;

Usage Example

To use the PromptMenu instance, you would typically instantiate it within a Flash-based application’s User Interface code. After creating an instance, you set its message property to display a prompt on the screen:

var promptMenu:PromptMenu = new PromptMenu();
promptMenu.message = "Press [A] to start.";


  • The PromptMenu class appears to be designed specifically for a game or application that uses Flash for its UI, which is commonly seen in Bethesda Game Studios projects.
  • The message setter method interprets a string with square brackets to replace the bracketed content with a corresponding button prompt. This suggests that the UI might change the text dynamically based on the user’s input device (e.g., changing “[A]” to the appropriate button on a gamepad or keyboard).