
This documentation details the MessageHolder ActionScript file, which is part of an application that utilizes the Adobe Flash technology. This class is designed to hold messages, likely within a user interface component for a game or application.

Below is an overview of the class and its constructor method.

Class Overview

The MessageHolder class is a dynamic class that extends the BSUIComponent from the Shared.AS3 package. This inheritance implies that MessageHolder is likely a user interface component with additional functionalities provided by the BSUIComponent class.


The MessageHolder class has a single constructor method that calls the constructor of its superclass. This initializes the MessageHolder instance.

Class Definition

Below is the ActionScript code for MessageHolder contained in

package {
    import Shared.AS3.BSUIComponent;

    public dynamic class MessageHolder extends BSUIComponent {
        public function MessageHolder() {

Constructor Details

Constructor Description
MessageHolder When an instance of MessageHolder is created, it calls the super() method to ensure that any initialization processes defined in the BSUIComponent superclass are executed.

Usage Example

To use the MessageHolder class, you would typically create an instance of it within your application. Here is a simple example:

var messageHolderInstance:MessageHolder = new MessageHolder();
addChild(messageHolderInstance); // This assumes you're within a DisplayObjectContainer context.

📝 Notes

  • Dynamic Class: The class is defined as dynamic, which means you can add additional properties to instances of this class at runtime.
  • Inheritance: MessageHolder inherits from BSUIComponent, which suggests that it should be used within a user interface context, and it likely has visual properties and methods.
  • Use Case: While the specific details of what messages this component holds are not evident from the provided code, it likely serves as a container for text or interactive messages within a user interface.

🔗 References

  • To fully utilize the MessageHolder class, understanding the BSUIComponent class and its capabilities is essential, as MessageHolder extends it and presumably uses its features.
  • Further details about creating custom components in ActionScript and working with inheritance would help when working with MessageHolder, especially if one needs to extend or modify its functionality.