
PromptMenuPanel_1 is a dynamic class extending MovieClip from the ActionScript package PromptMenu_fla. It is designed to represent a panel that can hold and display a message within a movie clip, complete with configurable bracket styles and background settings.

File Details

  • Filename:

Class: PromptMenuPanel_1

package PromptMenu_fla {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public dynamic class PromptMenuPanel_1 extends MovieClip {

        public var MessageHolder_mc:MessageHolder;

        public function PromptMenuPanel_1() {

        function __setProp_MessageHolder_mc_PromptMenuPanel_MessageHolder_mc_0() : * {
            try {
                this.MessageHolder_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
            } catch(e:Error) {

            this.MessageHolder_mc.bracketCornerLength = 6;
            this.MessageHolder_mc.bracketLineWidth = 2;
            this.MessageHolder_mc.bracketPaddingX = 6;
            this.MessageHolder_mc.bracketPaddingY = 2;
            this.MessageHolder_mc.BracketStyle = "horizontal";
            this.MessageHolder_mc.bShowBrackets = true;
            this.MessageHolder_mc.bUseShadedBackground = true;
            this.MessageHolder_mc.ShadedBackgroundMethod = "Shader";
            this.MessageHolder_mc.ShadedBackgroundType = "normal";

            try {
                this.MessageHolder_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
            } catch(e:Error) {


Property Type Description
MessageHolder_mc MessageHolder A MessageHolder instance to manage message display attributes within the panel.


  • PromptMenuPanel_1()
    • Calls the superclass constructor.
    • Invokes __setProp_MessageHolder_mc_PromptMenuPanel_MessageHolder_mc_0 to initialize the MessageHolder_mc properties.


  • __setProp_MessageHolder_mc_PromptMenuPanel_MessageHolder_mc_0() : *
    • Configures properties of MessageHolder_mc.
    • Sets component inspector settings to true, attempts to configure various bracket and background properties, then resets component inspector settings to false.

Configured Properties of MessageHolder_mc

Property Value Description
bracketCornerLength 6 The length of the bracket corners.
bracketLineWidth 2 The line width of the brackets.
bracketPaddingX 6 The horizontal padding for the brackets.
bracketPaddingY 2 The vertical padding for the brackets.
BracketStyle "horizontal" The style of the brackets (horizontal in this case).
bShowBrackets true Whether or not to show brackets.
bUseShadedBackground true Whether or not to use a shaded background.
ShadedBackgroundMethod "Shader" The method used for shading the background.
ShadedBackgroundType "normal" The type of the shaded background.

Usage Example

To use the PromptMenuPanel_1 within your Flash application, simply create an instance of the panel and add it to the stage or a parent display object container.

This will display the message panel with all the default bracket and background settings applied.

var promptPanel:PromptMenuPanel_1 = new PromptMenuPanel_1();