
FavoritesMenu.as is an ActionScript 3.0 file that defines the FavoritesMenu class, which extends the IMenu class from the Shared library. This class is responsible for managing the user interface and interactions within a favorites menu system.

The Favorites Menu is where hot keyed items may be accessed quickly during game play.


Below is the detailed documentation for the FavoritesMenu class, including its properties, methods, and event handlers.


  • closeMenu : Function()
  • PlaySound : Function()
  • useQuickkey : Function()


Property Type Description
Cross_mc FavoritesCross MovieClip representing the cross-structure of favorites.
ItemName_tf TextField TextField to display the name of the selected item.
ItemAmmo_tf TextField TextField to display the ammo count of the selected item.
BGSCodeObj Object An object to interface with the game’s code.


public function FavoritesMenu() {
    Extensions.enabled = true;
    this.BGSCodeObj = new Object();
    this.Cross_mc.addEventListener(FavoritesCross.SELECTION_UPDATE, this.onSelectionChange);
    this.Cross_mc.addEventListener(FavoritesEntry.CLICK, this.onFavEntryClick);
    this.Cross_mc.addEventListener(FavoritesCross.ITEM_PRESS, this.onFavEntryClick);
    TextFieldEx.setTextAutoSize(this.ItemName_tf, TextFieldEx.TEXTAUTOSZ_SHRINK);
    TextFieldEx.setTextAutoSize(this.ItemAmmo_tf, TextFieldEx.TEXTAUTOSZ_SHRINK);


Method Return Type Description
onStageInit * Initializes the stage and sets focus to Cross_mc.
onSetSafeRect void Locks the menu to the safe area on the screen.
set selectedIndex * Setter for the selected index in Cross_mc.
set favInfoArray * Setter for the infoArray in Cross_mc.
ProcessUserEvent Boolean Handles user input events passed to the favorites menu.

Event Handlers

Handler Event Description
onSelectionChange Event Updates the item name and ammo text fields when selection changes.
onFavEntryClick CustomEvent Triggers an action when a favorite entry is clicked or pressed.

Usage Example

var favoritesMenu:FavoritesMenu = new FavoritesMenu();

// Set the selectedIndex to an unsigned integer value
favoritesMenu.selectedIndex = 0;

// Set the favInfoArray to an array of favorite items information
favoritesMenu.favInfoArray = [...];

// Handling user events
var isProcessed:Boolean = favoritesMenu.ProcessUserEvent("Cancel", false);


💠 FavoritesCross.SELECTION_UPDATE: Dispatched when the selection updates in the favorites cross. 💠 FavoritesEntry.CLICK: Dispatched when a favorites entry is clicked. 💠 FavoritesCross.ITEM_PRESS: Dispatched when a favorites entry is pressed.


  • LockToSafeRect: This method is used to ensure that the UI elements stay within the safe area of the screen, which is particularly important on different display screens and resolutions.
  • SetTextAutoSize: This feature is used to automatically resize the text if the content exceeds the bounds of the TextField.