
This documentation details the core functionalities of FavoritesEntry.as, a class within the ActionScript 3 (AS3) environment for managing interactive elements often referred to as “favorites entries”. The class inherits from BSUIComponent and therefore, provides a user interface element within the context of a larger application—likely a game or a multimedia application.

Class Overview

FavoritesEntry extends BSUIComponent to create an interactive element that responds to mouse events and displays associated text for a keyboard shortcut or “quick key”. These entries could correspond to a favorite or hotkey action in a game or application.

Import Statements

The file begins with several import statements which include necessary classes and components from the ActionScript 3 library.

import Shared.AS3.BSUIComponent;
import Shared.GlobalFunc;
import Shared.PlatformChangeEvent;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.text.TextField;

Public Constants

FavoritesEntry contains three public string constants for event management.

  • MOUSE_OVER: Dispatched when the mouse is over the component.
  • MOUSE_LEAVE: Dispatched when the mouse leaves the component.
  • CLICK: Dispatched when the component is clicked.

Public Variables

The class contains public variables that reference the visual and text elements of the entry.

Variable Name Type Description
Icon_mc MovieClip Holds the icon/graphic of the entry.
Quickkey_tf TextField Displays the quickkey text.

Protected Variables

  • _EntryIndex: A uint holding the index of the entry.


The constructor initializes the component and sets up the event listeners for mouse interactions. It also calculates the _EntryIndex based on the name of the instance.

public function FavoritesEntry() {
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, this.onMouseOver);
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this.onMouseLeave);
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.onMousePress);
    this._EntryIndex = uint(this.name.substr(this.name.lastIndexOf("_") + 1));

Public Methods


This method overrides redrawUIComponent from BSUIComponent. It updates the Quickkey_tf text field based on the _EntryIndex.

override public function redrawUIComponent() : void {
    // Updates Quickkey_tf based on _EntryIndex

entryIndex (Getter)

Returns the _EntryIndex of the entry as a uint.

public function get entryIndex() : uint {
    return this._EntryIndex;

Event Handlers


Handles the MouseEvent.CLICK event by dispatching the custom CLICK event.

public function onMousePress(param1:MouseEvent) : void {
    dispatchEvent(new Event(CLICK, true, true));


Handles the MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER event by dispatching the custom MOUSE_OVER event.

public function onMouseOver(param1:MouseEvent) : void {
    dispatchEvent(new Event(MOUSE_OVER, true, true));


Handles the MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT event by dispatching the custom MOUSE_LEAVE event.

public function onMouseLeave(param1:MouseEvent) : void {
    dispatchEvent(new Event(MOUSE_LEAVE, true, true));

Final Notes 📝

The FavoritesEntry class provides a clear example of how to create interactive UI components in AS3 that respond to user input and can be customized based on the index they represent. This can be particularly useful in creating a responsive and intuitive user interface for applications where quick actions or “favorites” are frequently accessed by the user.