
EntryHolder.as is an ActionScript file defining a dynamic class named EntryHolder which extends the MovieClip class from the Flash API. This class is designed to manage multiple FavoritesEntry objects, providing specific settings for each one.

Class Details


The EntryHolder class contains multiple instances of FavoritesEntry, each uniquely identified by a property name (Entry_0 through Entry_11).


Each FavoritesEntry property within the EntryHolder class is listed below:

Property Name Type Description
Entry_0 FavoritesEntry The first favorites entry.
Entry_1 FavoritesEntry The second favorites entry.
Entry_9 FavoritesEntry The tenth favorites entry.
Entry_10 FavoritesEntry The eleventh favorites entry.
Entry_11 FavoritesEntry The twelfth favorites entry.


The constructor initializes each FavoritesEntry with specific component properties:

public function EntryHolder() {
    // Initialization for each entry
    // Additional initializations...

Initialization Methods

Each FavoritesEntry is configured using its respective initialization method, such as:

function __setProp_Entry_0_EntryHolder_Layer1_0() : * {
    try {
        this.Entry_0["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
    } catch(e:Error) {
    // Configuration settings for Entry_0
    // ...
    try {
        this.Entry_0["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; return;
    } catch(e:Error) {

FavoritesEntry Properties

Each FavoritesEntry includes the following properties:

Property Name Type Description
bracketCornerLength Number The length of the bracket corners.
bracketLineWidth Number The width of the bracket line.
bracketPaddingX Number The horizontal padding for the bracket.
bracketPaddingY Number The vertical padding for the bracket.
BracketStyle String The style of the bracket (e.g., “horizontal”).
bShowBrackets Boolean Whether or not to display brackets.
bUseShadedBackground Boolean Whether or not to use a shaded background.
ShadedBackgroundMethod String The method used for shading the background (e.g., “Shader”).
ShadedBackgroundType String The type of shaded background (e.g., “normal”).

Each FavoritesEntry object is configured with similar settings in their respective initialization methods.

Example Usage

// Create an instance of EntryHolder
var holder:EntryHolder = new EntryHolder();

// Access and interact with a specific FavoritesEntry
var entry:FavoritesEntry = holder.Entry_1;
entry.doSomething(); // Replace with actual method calls


  • The actual implementation details for FavoritesEntry and how it interacts with EntryHolder are not provided in the given code.
  • The code uses try-catch blocks to safely attempt property settings which suggests there may be cases where componentInspectorSetting is not available on the FavoritesEntry instance.