
ButtonBarMenu.as is an ActionScript class that extends the IMenu class. It is part of a user interface framework where elements such as a button bar and prompt menu panel are used in a menu system. This class is responsible for managing the button bar menu’s behavior and layout.

Class Definition

The ButtonBarMenu class is defined as a dynamic class which allows properties to be added dynamically at runtime.

Class Hierarchy: Object -> DisplayObject -> InteractiveObject -> DisplayObjectContainer -> Sprite -> MovieClip -> IMenu -> ButtonBarMenu

Filename: ButtonBarMenu.as


The class contains two public properties that refer to MovieClip objects:

Property Type Description
PromptMenuPanel_mc MovieClip References the prompt menu panel
ButtonBarHolder_mc MovieClip References the button bar holder


The constructor for ButtonBarMenu initializes the class instance.

public function ButtonBarMenu() {
    trace("[ButtonBarMenu](ctor) Begin");
    this.ButtonBarHolder_mc.ButtonHintBar_mc.bRedirectToButtonBarMenu = false;
    trace("[ButtonBarMenu](ctor) End");

Constructor Steps:

  1. Calls the constructor of the superclass (IMenu).
  2. Outputs a trace statement indicating the start of the constructor.
  3. Sets the bRedirectToButtonBarMenu property of ButtonHintBar_mc, which is presumably a child of ButtonBarHolder_mc, to false.
  4. Outputs a trace statement indicating the end of the constructor.

Overridden Methods


The method onSetSafeRect is an override of IMenu’s protected method.

override protected function onSetSafeRect():void {
    trace("[ButtonBarMenu](onSetSafeRect) Begin");
    GlobalFunc.LockToSafeRect(this.ButtonBarHolder_mc, "BC", SafeX, SafeY);
    GlobalFunc.LockToSafeRect(this.PromptMenuPanel_mc, "TL", SafeX, SafeY);
    trace("[ButtonBarMenu](onSetSafeRect) End");

Method Purpose:

This method places the ButtonBarHolder_mc and PromptMenuPanel_mc components within a safe area on the screen, ensuring they are not obscured or positioned off-screen. It appears to align the components according to predefined screen boundaries.


  • The method does not accept any parameters directly, but it makes use of presumably inherited SafeX and SafeY values to determine positioning.


The ButtonBarMenu class is designed to be used as part of a menu system within a Flash application. Its specific role is to manage a button bar and prompt panel, ensuring that these elements are correctly positioned and behave as expected.


  • The actual behavior and functionality of the button bar and prompt panel are not fully detailed within this snippet. Additional context from the rest of the application’s codebase is needed to fully understand their usage.
  • The trace statements in the code are useful for debugging but would typically be removed or disabled in a production environment.
  • The use of “TL” and “BC” as arguments in LockToSafeRect likely refer to alignment constants, such as “Top Left” and “Bottom Center,” but this is not explicitly defined in the provided code.


  • Shared.GlobalFunc class: Contains utility functions, including LockToSafeRect, which is used in this class.
  • Shared.IMenu class: The base class that ButtonBarMenu extends, likely providing common functionality and properties for menu-related classes.

Remember that the actual functionality and utility of the provided code depend heavily on the broader context of the application in which it is used. This documentation provides insight based on the available snippet.