
ButtonBarHolder is an ActionScript class that extends the MovieClip class and is designed to hold and configure a button hint bar within a user interface. The class is defined within the ButtonBarHolder.as file and is part of an unnamed package.

Class Definition

Below is the class definition for ButtonBarHolder:

package {
    import Shared.AS3.BSButtonHintBar;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public dynamic class ButtonBarHolder extends MovieClip {
        public var ButtonHintBar_mc:BSButtonHintBar;

        public function ButtonBarHolder() {

        private function InspectorSetting():* {
            try {
                this.ButtonHintBar_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
            } catch(error:Error) {
                trace("[ButtonBarMenu.swf][ButtonBarHolder](InspectorSetting) " + error.toString());

            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.BackgroundAlpha = 1;
            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.BackgroundColor = 0;
            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bracketCornerLength = 6;
            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bracketLineWidth = 1.5;
            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.BracketStyle = "horizontal";
            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bRedirectToButtonBarMenu = false;
            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bShowBrackets = true;
            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bUseShadedBackground = true;
            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.ShadedBackgroundMethod = "Shader";
            this.ButtonHintBar_mc.ShadedBackgroundType = "normal";

            try {
                this.ButtonHintBar_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
            } catch(error:Error) {
                trace("[ButtonBarMenu.swf][ButtonBarHolder](InspectorSetting) " + error.toString());


Public Properties:

Property Type Description
ButtonHintBar_mc BSButtonHintBar A reference to the BSButtonHintBar instance in the movie clip.


The ButtonBarHolder constructor initializes the object and calls the InspectorSetting method.

  • public function ButtonBarHolder()


Private Methods:

Method Return Type Description
InspectorSetting * Configures the ButtonHintBar_mc properties.

Method Details:

  • private function InspectorSetting():*

This method sets various properties of the ButtonHintBar_mc to configure its appearance and behavior. It also wraps the property setting code within a try-catch block to handle any potential errors.


In the InspectorSetting method, the following configuration is applied to the ButtonHintBar_mc:

  • BackgroundAlpha: Set to 1 (fully opaque).
  • BackgroundColor: Set to 0 (black).
  • bracketCornerLength: Set to 6.
  • bracketLineWidth: Set to 1.5.
  • BracketStyle: Set to "horizontal".
  • bRedirectToButtonBarMenu: Set to false (no redirection).
  • bShowBrackets: Set to true (brackets will be shown).
  • bUseShadedBackground: Set to true (a shaded background will be used).
  • ShadedBackgroundMethod: Set to "Shader".
  • ShadedBackgroundType: Set to "normal".

During the configuration, if any error occurs, the error is captured and output to the trace log with a detailed message.