MessageBoxMenu is an ActionScript file that defines a menu interface for displaying a message box with an associated list of selectable options. This menu is an extension of the IMenu class and contains various components such as a text field for the body message, a scrolling list for options, and movie clips for background elements.


The following table outlines the main components of the MessageBoxMenu class:

Component Type Description
Body_tf TextField Text field for displaying the message body.
List_mc BSScrollingList Scrolling list for displaying selectable options.
BGRect_mc MovieClip Movie clip for the main background.
BGRectBlack_mc MovieClip Movie clip for a secondary, potentially black, background.
BGSCodeObj Object Object containing code interface for button presses and focus sounds.


  • bodyText (String)
    • Getter that returns the text of the Body_tf text field.
    • Setter that updates the Body_tf text field with a new message.
  • buttonArray (Array)
    • Getter that returns an array of entries in the List_mc.
    • Setter that updates the List_mc with a new array of button entries.
  • selectedIndex (uint)
    • Getter that returns the index of the selected item in the List_mc.
  • menuMode (Boolean)
    • Setter that updates the menu mode, affecting the visibility of the black background.


Public Methods

  • MessageBoxMenu()
    • Constructor for the MessageBoxMenu class. It initializes properties and event listeners.
  • ForceInit()
    • Initializes the list if it hasn’t been populated yet with list items.
  • InvalidateMenu()
    • Updates the layout of the menu components based on the content and prepares the menu for visibility.

Private Methods

  • initDisableInputCounter()
    • A frame-based counter to delay input enabling for the list, ensuring it is not immediately selectable. This method handles a frame-enter event that occurs 4 times. This is used as a count down timer to disable list input after 4 frames.
  • onItemPress(Event)
    • Event handler for when a list item is pressed. It calls an external interface function for button press logic.
  • playFocusSound()
    • Triggers a focus sound effect when a list item gains focus.

Special Methods

  • __setProp_BGRect_mc_MenuObj_Background_0()
    • Used for component inspector settings for the background movie clip.
  • __setProp_List_mc_MenuObj_ButtonList_0()
    • Configures the list movie clip with component inspector settings.

Usage Example

// Create a new MessageBoxMenu instance
var messageBoxMenu:MessageBoxMenu = new MessageBoxMenu();

// Set the body text of the message box
messageBoxMenu.bodyText = "Are you sure you want to continue?";

// Define button options for the message box
var buttons:Array = [
    {label: "Yes", buttonIndex: 0},
    {label: "No", buttonIndex: 1}

// Set the button array
messageBoxMenu.buttonArray = buttons;

// Force initialize the menu if needed

// Update the menu layout