
The MessageBoxButtonList class is an extension of the BSScrollingList class, which is designed to handle a list of message box button entries with dynamic border widths based on the content.


Class Declaration

package {
    import Shared.AS3.BSScrollingList;

    public class MessageBoxButtonList extends BSScrollingList {
        // Constructor and methods follow...



Initializes a new instance of the MessageBoxButtonList class.

public function MessageBoxButtonList() {



Overrides the parent class’s InvalidateData method to refresh the list and adjust entry border widths as necessary.

override public function InvalidateData() : * {


A private method that calculates and sets the border width for each entry in the list based on the widest entry.

private function SetEntryBorderWidths() : * {
    var _loc4_:MessageBoxButtonEntry = null;
    var _loc5_:Number = NaN;
    var _loc6_:MessageBoxButtonEntry = null;
    var _loc1_:Number = 0;
    var _loc2_:uint = 0;

    // Determine the maximum border width required by any entry
    while(_loc2_ < uiNumListItems) {
        _loc4_ = GetClipByIndex(_loc2_) as MessageBoxButtonEntry;
        if(_loc4_ && _loc4_.textField) {
            _loc5_ = _loc4_.CalculateBorderWidth();
            if(_loc5_ > _loc1_) {
                _loc1_ = _loc5_;

    // Set the calculated border width for all entries
    var _loc3_:uint = 0;
    while(_loc3_ < uiNumListItems) {
        _loc6_ = GetClipByIndex(_loc3_) as MessageBoxButtonEntry;
        if(_loc6_) {


Overrides the updateScrollPosition method from the base class to maintain border widths when the scrolling position is updated.

override protected function updateScrollPosition(param1:uint) : * {


The MessageBoxButtonList class inherits all properties from its base class, BSScrollingList, but does not introduce new properties of its own.


πŸ“Œ The SetEntryBorderWidths method is responsible for ensuring that all entries in the MessageBoxButtonList have consistent border widths.

πŸ“Œ It is worth noting that the implementation details of GetClipByIndex, CalculateBorderWidth, and SetBorderWidth are not provided in the provided code snippet and are assumed to be part of the MessageBoxButtonEntry class or the parent BSScrollingList.

πŸ“Œ This class is likely part of a user interface system for a game where actionscript is employed for UI component creation and manipulation.

Table of Methods

Method Visibility Description
MessageBoxButtonList Public Constructor initializing the class instance.
InvalidateData Public (Override) Refreshes the list and adjusts entry border widths.
SetEntryBorderWidths Private Calculates the optimal border width for all list entries.
updateScrollPosition Protected (Override) Updates the scroll position and maintains border widths.

Note: The * return type in the ActionScript language represents an untyped reference, which means that the method can return any type of value or object.