
This documentation provides an overview of the ActionScript file.

The file defines a dynamic ActionScript class named RefText that extends the MovieClip class from the Flash display library. This class includes a public variable PageTextField of type TextField, which can be used to display text on the stage.

The RefText class is a simple yet useful extension of the MovieClip class, providing a dynamic text field to display content within Flash applications or games. With its straightforward implementation, it serves as a template for creating more complex text-based movie clips in the future. 📄✨

Class Definition

The RefText class is a dynamic subclass of MovieClip that contains a text field.

Property Type Description
PageTextField TextField A TextField object to display text.



The constructor initializes the RefText object by calling super() to inherit properties and methods from the MovieClip superclass.

Code Block

package {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public dynamic class RefText extends MovieClip {

        public var PageTextField:TextField;

        public function RefText() {

Usage Example

To use the RefText class within your Flash project, you can create an instance of RefText and add it to the stage, then manipulate the PageTextField to display text as needed.

var myRefText:RefText = new RefText();
myRefText.PageTextField.text = "Hello, World!";