
The BookMenu class extends the IMenu class and is responsible for managing the book menu within the game, which includes pagination and button hints for navigation.


Name Type Description
PAGE_BREAK_TAG String Tag used to indicate a page break.
CACHED_PAGES Number Number of pages to cache.


Name Type Description
ButtonHintBar_mc BSButtonHintBar The movie clip for the button hint bar.
ReferenceTextInstance MovieClip Reference to the text instance movie clip.
PrevButton BSButtonHintData Data for the previous page button.
TakeButton BSButtonHintData Data for the take button.
NextButton BSButtonHintData Data for the next page button.
ExitButton BSButtonHintData Data for the exit button.
BGSCodeObj Object Background code object.
Language String Current language setting.


Constructor: BookMenu()

Initializes the book menu, sets up buttons, and prepares for pagination.

set language(param1:String) : *

Sets the language of the book menu.

PopulateButtonBar() : void

Populates the button hint bar with button data.

onPrevButton() : void

Handles the action when the previous page button is pressed.

onTakeButton() : void

Handles the action when the take button is pressed.

onNextButton() : void

Handles the action when the next page button is pressed.

onBackButton() : void

Handles the action when the back button is pressed.

SetTextOffset(param1:Number, param2:Number) : *

Sets the text offset.

SetBookText(param1:String, param2:Boolean) : void

Sets the text of the book and determines if it’s a note.

CreateDisplayPage(param1:Number) : *

Creates a displayable page from the book text.

SetButtonVisibility(param1:int, param2:int, param3:int) : void

Sets the visibility of the navigation buttons.

CalculatePagination() : void

Calculates pagination based on the text content.

SetLeftPageNumber(param1:Number) : void

Sets the left page number for navigation.

ShowPageAtOffset(param1:Number) : void

Shows the book page at a specific offset.

PrepForClose() : *

Prepares the book menu for closing.

TurnPage(param1:Number) : Boolean

Turns the page in the book menu.

UpdatePages() : *

Updates the pages in the book menu.

__setProp_ButtonHintBar_mc_Scene1_ButtonHintBar_mc_0() : *

Sets the properties of the button hint bar component.

Usage Example

var bookMenu:BookMenu = new BookMenu();
bookMenu.setBookText("This is a sample text for the book.", false);
bookMenu.SetButtonVisibility(1, 0, 1);

Note: The actual implementation of the methods and triggering the events would depend on the additional game code and how it interfaces with this class.

Icons and Emojis

  • 📖 Represents the BookMenu or anything related to the textual content.
  • ⬅️ Represents the action to go to the previous page.
  • ➡️ Represents the action to go to the next page.
  • 🗑️ Represents the action to take or remove the book.
  • 🚪 Represents the action to exit the book menu.

Important Notes

  • The code handles different language settings and changes the font accordingly.
  • Error handling is done with try-catch blocks and the errors are traced for debugging.
  • Some methods like SetTextOffset and CreateDisplayPage have additional logic for handling notes versus regular book text.

Legend: The documentation utilizes bold text for class names, method names, and other relevant information. Tables are used to organize properties and methods for clarity.