
The TerminalButtons class is defined within the TerminalButtons.as file and is responsible for managing button hints on a terminal interface, typically for a video game. This class extends the IMenu class, indicating that it represents some form of menu within the game’s UI system.

Class Structure


Property Name Type Description
ButtonHintBar_mc BSButtonHintBar An instance of BSButtonHintBar, which manages the display of button hints.
BGSCodeObj Object A generic object expected to contain game code logic related to the terminal buttons.
ExitButton BSButtonHintData An instance of BSButtonHintData that defines the data for the exit button.
HolotapeButton BSButtonHintData An instance of BSButtonHintData that defines the data for the holotape button.


The TerminalButtons constructor initializes the ExitButton and HolotapeButton with specific parameters and sets up the button bar by calling PopulateButtonBar.

Constructor Code:

public function TerminalButtons() {
    this.ExitButton = new BSButtonHintData("$Exit", "Tab", "PSN_B", "Xenon_B", 1, this.onExitPressed);
    this.HolotapeButton = new BSButtonHintData("", "R", "PSN_X", "Xenon_X", 1, this.onHolotapeButtonPressed);
    this.BGSCodeObj = new Object();


Public Methods

  • SetExitButtonText(param1:String):void Sets the text for the exit button.

  • SetHolotapeButtonText(param1:String):void Sets the text for the holotape button.

  • ToggleHolotapeButtonState():* Toggles the visibility and enabled state of the holotape button.

Private Methods

  • PopulateButtonBar():void Populates the button hint bar with the exit and holotape buttons.

  • onExitPressed():void Callback function that is triggered when the exit button is pressed.

  • onHolotapeButtonPressed():void Callback function that is triggered when the holotape button is pressed.

Example Usage

var terminalButtons:TerminalButtons = new TerminalButtons();
terminalButtons.SetExitButtonText("Exit Terminal");
terminalButtons.SetHolotapeButtonText("Play Holotape");


  • 📌 The ExitButton and HolotapeButton properties are instances of BSButtonHintData which configure the button text, associated keys/buttons, and callbacks.
  • 📌 The ButtonHintBar_mc assumes that there is a corresponding movie clip symbol in the game’s library linked to the BSButtonHintBar class.
  • 📌 The BGSCodeObj object is a placeholder for the game code that handles exiting the terminal and activating a holotape.
  • 📌 The visibility of the HolotapeButton is false by default and can be toggled using ToggleHolotapeButtonState.

Remember to replace the placeholder strings such as “$Exit” with the relevant localized string references or constants for proper internationalization support, if needed.