
The SWFLoaderMenu class extends IMenu and is responsible for the dynamic loading and unloading of SWF files. It manages a map of loaded content and provides methods to load/unload SWF files, retrieve menu names, and handle loading events.

Public Variables

Variable Name Type Description
BGSCodeObj Object Object to interact with BGS code.
LoadedSWFMap Object Map holding references to loaded SWFs.


The constructor initializes the BGSCodeObj and LoadedSWFMap objects.

public function SWFLoaderMenu() {
    this.BGSCodeObj = new Object();
    this.LoadedSWFMap = new Object();



Loads a SWF file given a path.

public function SWFLoad(param1:String) : * {
    // Implementation...
  • param1: The path to the SWF file to be loaded.
  • Checks if the SWF is already loaded. If not, initiates a new load operation.


Extracts menu name from the SWF file URL.

protected function GetMenuNameFromURL(param1:String) : String {
    // Implementation...
  • param1: The URL of the SWF file.
  • Returns the name of the menu.


Event handler for successful SWF load operation.

public function onMenuLoadComplete(param1:Event) : * {
    // Implementation...
  • param1: The Event object associated with the completion of the SWF load.
  • Processes the loaded content and updates the map.


Unloads a SWF file given an identifier.

public function SWFUnload(param1:String) : * {
    // Implementation...
  • param1: The name of the SWF file to be unloaded.
  • Handles the removal of event listeners and unloading of the SWF content.


Event handler for abandoned SWF load operations.

public function onMenuLoadAbandoned(param1:Event) : * {
    // Implementation...
  • param1: The Event object associated with the abandoned SWF load.
  • Cleans up after an abandoned load operation.


Retrieves the timeline object for a given SWF name if loaded and not a Loader.

public function GetTimelineObj(param1:String) : Object {
    // Implementation...
  • param1: The name of the SWF file.
  • Returns the timeline object or null if not available.

Usage Examples

// Create instance of the SWFLoaderMenu
var menuLoader:SWFLoaderMenu = new SWFLoaderMenu();

// Load a SWF file by providing the path to the SWFLoaderMenu instance

// Unload a SWF file by providing the name to the SWFLoaderMenu instance

Additional Information

  • Filename: SWFLoaderMenu.as
  • Language: ActionScript
  • Dependencies: Requires the Shared.IMenu class and flash.display.Loader among other Flash classes for loading content.

Conventions Used

  • Bold: Relevant text and method names are bolded for emphasis.
  • Lists: Used for organizing variables and methods.
  • Tables: Utilized to structure information about variables and methods for clarity.
  • Code Blocks: Deployed to present code snippets and method signatures.
  • Emojis: Not included as they are not typically part of technical documentation for code.

🚀 Enjoy managing your SWF content with SWFLoaderMenu!