
PlayBinkMenu is an ActionScript class file that seems to be part of a user interface system, specifically designed for displaying and controlling video playback in a game or application. The class extends IMenu, indicating that it represents a menu screen or a component within the user interface.

Below is a detailed documentation of the PlayBinkMenu class, which is found within the file.

Class Documentation


Property Type Description
BGSCodeObj Object An object that possibly holds reference to the game or application logic.
ButtonHintBar_mc BSButtonHintBar Instance of BSButtonHintBar to display button hints on the menu.
buttonHint_Skip BSButtonHintData Data for the skip button hint, indicating the properties of the skip action.


The constructor sets up the menu and initializes the button hints.

public function PlayBinkMenu() {
    this.buttonHint_Skip = new BSButtonHintData("$SKIP", "T", "PSN_Y", "Xenon_Y", 1, null);
    this.BGSCodeObj = new Object();
    var _loc1_:Vector.<BSButtonHintData> = new Vector.<BSButtonHintData>();
    this.buttonHint_Skip.ButtonVisible = false;

Public Functions

set allowConfirm

Allows toggling the visibility of the skip button.

Parameter Type Description
param1 Boolean Sets the visibility of the buttonHint_Skip to param1.
public function set allowConfirm(param1:Boolean) : * {
    this.buttonHint_Skip.ButtonVisible = param1;

Protected Functions


Configures the properties of the ButtonHintBar_mc.

function __setProp_ButtonHintBar_mc_MenuObj_Layer1_0() : * {
    try {
        this.ButtonHintBar_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
    } catch(e:Error) { }
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.BackgroundAlpha = 1;
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.BackgroundColor = 0;
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bracketCornerLength = 6;
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bracketLineWidth = 1.5;
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.BracketStyle = "horizontal";
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bRedirectToButtonBarMenu = true;
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bShowBrackets = false;
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.bUseShadedBackground = false;
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.ShadedBackgroundMethod = "Shader";
    this.ButtonHintBar_mc.ShadedBackgroundType = "normal";
    try {
        this.ButtonHintBar_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
    } catch(e:Error) {


  • The buttonHint_Skip is initialized with specific identifiers for different platforms (e.g., “PSN_Y” for PlayStation and “Xenon_Y” for Xbox).
  • The class includes properties and methods to control the visibility and behavior of the skip button hint.
  • __setProp_ButtonHintBar_mc_MenuObj_Layer1_0 is a method that seems to be used to configure component properties, potentially for usage within a visual editor or component inspector.