
This documentation provides a detailed look at the ActionScript file. The VertibirdMenu class extends the MovieClip class and contains a constructor for initializing instances of the class.

Class Details

Below is an overview of the VertibirdMenu class.

Item Description
Name VertibirdMenu
Type Dynamic Class
Extends MovieClip


The VertibirdMenu class includes the following public properties:

Property Name Type Description
Menu_mc PlayBinkMenu A reference to an instance of the PlayBinkMenu class, which is used to manage video playback in the menu.


The constructor is called when an instance of VertibirdMenu is created. It initializes the object by calling the super() method, which is a reference to the constructor of the base class (MovieClip).

Constructor Definition:

public function VertibirdMenu() {

Example Usage

Instantiate the VertibirdMenu class:

var vertibirdMenuInstance:VertibirdMenu = new VertibirdMenu();

The above example creates a new instance of the VertibirdMenu class and adds it to the display list.

Full Class Code

Here’s the complete code block for the VertibirdMenu class:

package {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public dynamic class VertibirdMenu extends MovieClip {
        public var Menu_mc:PlayBinkMenu;

        public function VertibirdMenu() {

In the context of the provided code, the VertibirdMenu class serves as a wrapper or controller for a menu system that likely handles video playback through the Menu_mc property of PlayBinkMenu type.

The actual functionality and methods available within the PlayBinkMenu class are not defined in this particular file and would require further investigation into the associated class definition.