
The in-game Pip-Boy device serves as the primary menu for managing inventory, quests, maps, stats, and more. It features a diegetic design, meaning that it exists within the game world and is used by the player character, adding to the overall immersion.

The Pipboy Menu is rendered onto the 3D surface of the Pipboy item. This is one of the primary menus used by the Player to interact with Fallout 4.


  • var Header_mc:Pipboy_Header
  • var BottomBar_mc:Pipboy_BottomBar
  • var ButtonHintBar_mc:BSButtonHintBar
  • var BGSCodeObj:Object
  • var DataObj:Pipboy_DataObj
  • function get CurrentPage():PipboyPage
  • function onCodeObjCreate():*
  • function onCodeObjDestruction():*
  • function InvalidateData():void
  • function InvalidatePartialData(param1:uint):*
  • function ProcessUserEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean):Boolean
  • function gotoNextPage():*
  • function gotoPrevPage():*
  • function TryToSetPage(param1:uint):*
  • function gotoNextTab():*
  • function gotoPrevTab():*
  • function TryToSetTab(param1:uint):*
  • function onRightThumbstickInput(param1:uint):*
  • function onMobileBackButtonPressed():void
  • function onMobileItemPress(param1:Event):void


  • PlaySound(name:String):void
  • PlaySmallTransition 1
  • PopulatePipboyInfoObj 2
  • onNewPage 3
  • onNewTab 4
  • toggleMovementToDirectional 0x28
  • UseStimpak 5
  • UseRadaway 6
  • ShowPerksMenu 7
  • PlayPerkSound 8
  • StopPerkSound 9
  • onPerksTabOpen 0xA
  • onPerksTabClose 0xB
  • SelectItem 0xC
  • onInvItemSelection 0xD
  • updateItem3D 0xE
  • SetQuickkey 0xF
  • ItemDrop 0x10
  • SortItemList 0x11
  • ExamineItem 0x12
  • onComponentViewToggle 0x13
  • ToggleComponentFavorite 0x14
  • onShowHotKeys 0x27
  • onQuestSelection 0x16
  • SetQuestActive 0x15
  • ShowQuestOnMap 0x17
  • ShowWorkshopOnMap 0x18
  • RegisterMap 0x19
  • UnregisterMap 0x1A
  • FastTravel 0x1D
  • HasSetPlayerMarkerRequest 0x20
  • SetPlayerMarker 0x21
  • ClearPlayerMarker 0x22
  • onSwitchBetweenWorldLocalMap 0x23
  • CenterMarkerRequest 0x24
  • onModalOpen 0x25
  • CheckHardcoreModeFastTravel 0x1E
  • RefreshMapMarkers 0x1F
  • ToggleRadioStationActiveStatus 0x26


  • static const NUM_PAGES:uint = 5
  • static const NUM_SPECIAL:uint = 7
  • function get CurrentPage():uint
  • function get CurrentTab():uint
  • function get PlayerName():String
  • function get ActiveEffects():Array
  • function get StimpakCount() : uint
  • function get RadawayCount() : uint
  • function get CurrHP() : Number
  • function get MaxHP() : Number
  • function get CurrAP() : Number
  • function get MaxAP() : Number
  • function get CurrWeight() : Number
  • function get MaxWeight() : Number
  • function get CurrentHPGain() : Number
  • function get SelectedItemHPGain() : Number
  • function get TotalDamages() : Array
  • function get TotalResists() : Array
  • function get SlotResists() : Array
  • function get UnderwearType() : uint
  • function get Caps() : uint
  • function get DateMonth() : uint
  • function get DateDay() : uint
  • function get DateYear() : uint
  • function get TimeHour() : Number
  • function get CurrLocationName() : String
  • function get XPLevel() : uint
  • function get XPProgressPct() : Number
  • function get InvItems() : Array
  • function get InvComponents() : Array
  • function get InvFilter() : int
  • function get InvSelectedItems() : Array
  • function get HolotapePlaying() : Boolean
  • function get SortMode() : uint
  • function get FavoritesList() : Array
  • function get HeadCondition() : Number
  • function get TorsoCondition() : Number
  • function get LArmCondition() : Number
  • function get RArmCondition() : Number
  • function get LLegCondition() : Number
  • function get RLegCondition() : Number
  • function get BodyFlags() : uint
  • function get HeadFlags() : uint
  • function get SPECIALList() : Array
  • function get PerksList() : Array
  • function get PerkPoints() : uint
  • function get QuestsList() : Array
  • function get GeneralStatsList() : Array
  • function get WorkshopsList() : Array
  • function get WorldMapMarkers() : Array
  • function get LocalMapMarkers() : Array
  • function get WorldMapTextureName() : String
  • function get WorldMapNWCorner() : Point
  • function get WorldMapNECorner() : Point
  • function get WorldMapSWCorner() : Point
  • function get LocalMapNWCorner() : Point
  • function get LocalMapNECorner() : Point
  • function get LocalMapSWCorner() : Point
  • function get RadioList() : Array
  • function get ReadOnlyMode() : int
  • function get RemovedMapMarkerIds() : Array
  • function get RemoveAllMapMarkers() : Boolean
  • function set CurrentPage(param1:uint) : *
  • function set CurrentTab(param1:uint) : *
  • function set PlayerName(param1:String) : *
  • function set StimpakCount(param1:uint) : *
  • function set RadawayCount(param1:uint) : *
  • function set CurrHP(param1:Number) : *
  • function set MaxHP(param1:Number) : *
  • function set CurrAP(param1:Number) : *
  • function set MaxAP(param1:Number) : *
  • function set CurrWeight(param1:Number) : *
  • function set MaxWeight(param1:Number) : *
  • function set CurrentHPGain(param1:Number) : *
  • function set SelectedItemHPGain(param1:Number) : *
  • function set DateMonth(param1:uint) : *
  • function set DateDay(param1:uint) : *
  • function set DateYear(param1:uint) : *
  • function set TimeHour(param1:Number) : *
  • function set CurrLocationName(param1:String) : *
  • function set UnderwearType(param1:uint) : *
  • function set Caps(param1:uint) : *
  • function set XPLevel(param1:uint) : *
  • function set XPProgressPct(param1:Number) : *
  • function set InvItems(param1:Array) : *
  • function set InvFilter(param1:int) : *
  • function set HolotapePlaying(param1:Boolean) : *
  • function set SortMode(param1:uint) : *
  • function set HeadCondition(param1:Number) : *
  • function set TorsoCondition(param1:Number) : *
  • function set LArmCondition(param1:Number) : *
  • function set RArmCondition(param1:Number) : *
  • function set LLegCondition(param1:Number) : *
  • function set RLegCondition(param1:Number) : *
  • function set BodyFlags(param1:uint) : *
  • function set HeadFlags(param1:uint) : *
  • function set PerkPoints(param1:uint) : *
  • function set WorldMapTextureName(param1:String) : *
  • function set ReadOnlyMode(param1:int) : *
  • function set RemoveAllMapMarkers(param1:Boolean) : *