MultiActivateMenu is an ActionScript file providing functionality for a user interface menu with multiple activatable buttons. Below is the detailed documentation for the code.

Table of Contents

Class Overview

Class Name: MultiActivateMenu

Inherits: IMenu

The MultiActivateMenu class extends the IMenu class, providing functionality for a menu interface with multiple interactive button hints. It manages button states and animations and handles user input events to trigger actions associated with each button.

Public Properties

Property Name Type Description
FadeHolder_mc MovieClip A container for button animations.
BGSCodeObj Object An object to handle button actions.

Private Properties

Property Name Type Description
Buttons Vector.<BSButtonHint> A vector holding button hint instances.
ButtonAnimators Vector.<MovieClip> A vector holding button animation clips.
ButtonData Vector.<BSButtonHintData> A vector holding data for button hints.
ABtnData BSButtonHintData Button hint data for the ‘A’ button.
BBtnData BSButtonHintData Button hint data for the ‘B’ button.
XBtnData BSButtonHintData Button hint data for the ‘X’ button.
YBtnData BSButtonHintData Button hint data for the ‘Y’ button.


The constructor initializes the button data with default values and sets up the vectors for buttons and their animation handlers. It also binds the proper release functions to each button data.

public function MultiActivateMenu() {
    // ... Constructor code

Protected Methods


This method ensures that the menu is locked within a safe rectangular area on the screen.

override protected function onSetSafeRect() : void {
    // ... Method code

Public Methods


Initializes button hint data for all buttons after creation.

public function onCodeObjCreate() : * {
    // ... Method code


Configures the text and enabled state of a button based on the provided parameters.

public function SetButtonData(param1:uint, param2:String, param3:Boolean) : * {
    // ... Method code


Handles user input events and triggers the appropriate button press or release functions.

public function ProcessUserEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean) : Boolean {
    // ... Method code

Private Methods

Button Press and Release Handlers

These methods manage the state of the buttons when they are pressed or released.

  • onAPress / onARelease
  • onBPress / onBRelease
  • onXPress / onXRelease
  • onYPress / onYRelease
private function onAPress() : * {
    // ... Method code

private function onARelease() : * {
    // ... Method code
// Similar methods for B, X, and Y

Each of these methods call onButtonPress or onButtonRelease, passing in the respective button index (0 for A, 1 for B, etc.).